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Overwatch 2 Fans Are Tired of Pharah

Like any other competitive game, the meta of Blizzard’s hero shooter Overwatch 2 is constantly evolving. Sometimes a new hero like Mauga dominates in its early stages and must be mastered with a few debuffs and adjustments. Other times, a series of changes propels characters to the top of the tier lists. That’s what’s happening right now with Pharah, the flight-based rocket launcher. Lesbian loving mercy heroine who debuted in 2016, but found new dominance after her redesign and some overall changes. While this turn of events may seem like a good thing for the character, it has Overwatch 2 gamers hate Pharah like they’re Kendrick Lamar and she’s Drake.

So why has Pharah become such a nuisance to the average citizen? Overwatch 2 player? It all started in February when she received a redesign Pro players initially thought she could eliminate some of their most important hero combos, like the classic Pharah/Mercy duo due to her increased horizontal mobility. But Pharah still rains rockets down on enemy teams thanks to her improved movement options, and the support hero still follows her and increases her damage with relative ease. Even without Mercy, she can secure plenty of kills with her rocket launcher alone, so without any of these drawbacks, Pharah has become so “oppressive” that it is done Overwatch 2 boring to play in the eyes of some players.

Those are the broad strokes for the average player, but Pharah’s dominance also comes down to a few technical details. Season 10 Mid-Season Patch. This update reverted Armor (a type of health that some heroes like Orisa and Brigitte have) to its original functionality, which includes reduced damage against most projectiles. Additionally, she is not affected by tank buffs that reduce headshot damage, as her rocket launcher does not require a precise shot to the skull to deal maximum damage. Pharah is simply one of the most reliable DPS heroes in terms of output and harder to counter thanks to her increased mobility.

“I wasn’t afraid of seeing a Pharaoh before, now I dread it,” Koboldoggo4895 wrote on the Blizzard Forums“Now when I see a Pharah I know it’s going to be an extremely unfun matchup. I really don’t know why they buffed her. I don’t know how she plays in higher elos, and I really don’t care because I don’t play there and I mostly QP, but she’s a demonic entity here and I can’t stand her.”

My instinctive reaction to seeing an enemy Pharah is the same as most players: pick a hitscan hero and shoot her out of the sky. Overwatch 2 Fans are never happy about being forced to play specific heroes just to handle the meta of the month. Some argue that even with counter-picks like Soldier: 76 or Cassidy, the game-wide buffs Blizzard implemented measures that made Pharah more difficult to manage.

“I think the biggest change that people forget is the health improvements,” shape2k written on Reddit“Her health has increased, but her damage hasn’t. As Cass’s main character, it was still incredibly easy to hit a Pharah in the sky, and the size of the projectiles didn’t exactly make it any easier. But she’s much harder to finish off due to her increased health.”

Fans I felt vindicated After Overwatch 2 Director Aaron Keller posted a film director’s shooting blog This includes the win rates of some heroes, putting Pharah at the top of the list for all characters at 58%. It remains to be seen whether Pharah will be nerfed or if she will continue to rain justice on her enemies for another season. Overwatch 2the eleventh season started last monthwhich means a mid-season patch will likely be available in a few weeks. No doubt some fans will head over to Damage’s heroes section and search for Pharah’s name.

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