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‘Oppenheimer’ Cinematographer Says Big Movies Belong on Big Screens, Not Netflix



The boss of Netflix is ​​wrong!!!

Big films are meant for big screens

Acclaimed cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema disagrees with Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos» is that movies can be fully enjoyed on a streamer/phone in the same way as on the big screen.

ICYMI, Ted was ridiculed online for saying his son watched the 1962 classic “Lawrence of Arabia” on his phone, and also singled out last year’s “Oppenheimer,” for which Hoyte won an Oscar , as a film that would also be appreciated outside of the big screen.

Hoyte makes it clear to TMZ… while he has no ill will toward Ted, he thinks a handheld screen doesn’t hold up to the traditional theater experience.

He is interested in the special magic of seeing a film in the cinema, as the experience is expertly curated by filmmakers and artists. On the other hand, he thinks that watching films on platforms like Netflix feels more like being subject to the whim of the streamer.

The subject hits close to Hoyte’s heart: he tells us he pours his soul into creating cinematic moments on the big screen…and people who think they might as well watch his films on a small mobile device, sacrificing resolution and color depth, is disrespectful. his hard work.

Still, he’s not trying to come off as a hypocrite because he also watched movies on a mobile device – recognizing that it’s not his place to decide how people should watch movies.

Sarandos told the New York Times Hoyte’s “Oppenheimer” and its rival “Barbie” on the same day would have been just as big if they were released on Netflix.

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News Source : amp.tmz.com

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