
OpenAI and Meta Race to Release AI Models Capable of Reasoning: Report

  • OpenAI and Meta are set to unveil AI models capable of reasoning and planning, the FT reported.
  • An OpenAI official told the FT that the next version of GPT would show progress with “difficult problems”.
  • Some experts warn that the development of such technology could put humanity at risk of extinction.

OpenAI and Meta are reportedly preparing to release more advanced AI models that could help solve problems and undertake more complex tasks.

OpenAI COO Brad Lightcap told the Financial Times that the company’s next version of GPT would show progress in solving “hard problems” such as reasoning.

“I think we’re just beginning to scratch the surface of the reasoning ability of these models,” he told the outlet.

Meta executives signaled a similar trajectory for the company’s upcoming Llama 3 model, expected in the coming weeks.

Joelle Pineau, vice president of AI research at Meta, said the company was “working hard” to figure out how to make the model speak, reason, plan and have memory.

Representatives for Meta and OpenAI did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider, made outside of normal business hours.

Getting AI models to reason and plan is an important step toward achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI), which Meta and OpenAI claim to be aiming for.

The development could be worth trillions to the company that makes it happen. In February, former Meta executive and virtual reality visionary John Carmack called artificial general intelligence (AGI) the “great brass ring.” He claimed that it would become a multi-billion dollar industry by the 2030s.

Although definitions of AGI can vary, it is most simply defined as a type of artificial intelligence capable of performing at the human level or better on a wide range of tasks.

Some experts have raised security concerns about the development of technologies beyond human intelligence. Leading researchers, including AI godfathers Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton, have urged people to think about the risks AI poses to humanity.

Elon Musk, a longtime AI skeptic, recently estimated that AI will be smarter than humans within two years. Musk said the “total amount of sentient computing” – a concept that can refer to AI’s independent thought and action – will exceed that of all humans in five years.


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