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One teenager told his graduating class that Jesus was “your answer.” Now he faces the consequences

A Northern Kentucky high school student’s graduation speech sparked debate this weekend after he urged his classmates to seek Jesus Christ as ‘your answer’ for ‘the way, the truth and the life’ .

He did not receive his diploma and was asked to meet with his school’s principal because he added the religious message to his pre-approved speech, according to videos he posted on TikTok.

Micah Price said online: “I was told beforehand that I wasn’t allowed to talk about Christ. …I did it anyway.”

He graduated May 24 from Campbell County High School in Alexandria, about 30 minutes south of Cincinnati. The high school, which has about 1,500 students, comes from a mostly suburban and rural part of the county.

Price said in his speech: “Class, before another word leaves my mouth, I must give honor, praise and glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who in His words tells us that He is the light, he is the way, the truth and the life. Class, anyone in the audience today, I’m here to tell you that if you don’t have any of these things in your life and you can’t find the answer, then my goodness. Lord and savior is your answer. »

A teenager turned to TikTok

After graduating from Northern Kentucky University’s Truist Arena, he said an assistant principal told him he would have to talk to the district’s school board about what he did because he was “off script” during the speech.

“I went against school policy and rules. I went against that because I serve a higher power because I serve Christ. I don’t carry out anyone’s orders other than God,” he said on TikTok on Sunday. “So if anyone is wrong, it’s me. I deserve to be punished.”

He added that he wasn’t sure if it was normal to not receive a diploma a few days after graduation.

Courtney Sauerbeck, the district’s director of schools and community educators, did not return a phone call and emailed questions through The Enquirer.

However, Superintendent Shelli Wilson told Local 12 in a statement that Price was allowed to thank his “lord and savior Jesus Christ” at the beginning of the speech. But he added statements telling his classmates to seek God.

“All speakers have been informed that changing their speech or making any unanticipated choices at graduation could result in repercussions as they would with any school activity,” Wilson said in the statement to the section local 12.

“Take a pill to relax”

A video of Price’s speech was posted and shared online and hundreds of people weighed in on the controversy.

“He is an extraordinary young man who had the courage to go out and do what most adults are afraid to do! He will be rewarded for sharing the good news of Jesus!” » said one commenter on Facebook.

“Send your kids to a religious school if you want them to talk freely about your god and all that. It’s a public school. I for one don’t want to listen to the ramblings of any religion at graduation my son’s diplomas I know, damn well if this student was Muslim and prayed you would all lose your minds,” posted another.

In other comments, people urged the public to attend the next Campbell County School Board meeting, June 17 at 6 p.m., at the Alexandria Education Center, to support Price.

On Monday, Price posted an update on TikTok and said he would graduate and no longer have to speak to the board about the incident.

“I was on the phone today and the principal (Holly Phelps) told me it would just be her and me, no counseling,” he said.

The recent graduate said the situation had gotten “out of control” and he urged people not to call the school or attend the next board meeting. He also said people may have threatened school officials because of his speech.

“Anyone who calls certain people and tells them they might blow up their house or something – I don’t know – but anyone who takes a hateful path to get to that, I ask you to just take a pill to relax and stop,” he said. said.

According to a Facebook post from his mother, Melonie Neely Farris, Price is considering joining the U.S. Air Force.

She wrote: “Micah is called to do what we are all called to do, share the love of Christ, that is exactly what he did and from the way I have heard it, everything the audience loved it!”

Neither Price nor his mother responded to The Enquirer’s online requests for comment.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Campbell County graduate Micah Price mentioned Jesus Christ in his speech.


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