
Obesity linked to “several types of cancer”

Obesity may increase your risk of cancer. — Unsplash/File

According to the conclusions of a major study, being overweight could be an important factor likely to cause four out of ten cancers.

Obesity can now be linked to 32 types of tumors, 19 more than previously thought, experts say.

For 45 years, “groundbreaking” research carried out by Lund University in Sweden followed 4.1 million people and analyzed 332,501 cases of cancer.

Research has found that up to 40% of cases are due to the patient’s weight.

Additionally, excess fat has recently been linked to more types of tumors than the 13 officially recognized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2016, according to The American sun.

These included cancers of the mouth, throat, stomach and brain.

Cancers could be avoided by staying thin

Study author Dr Ming Sun said: “Our results suggest that the impact of obesity on cancer may be greater than previously thought. »

“It is a risk factor for more cancers, especially the rarer types, and some of them have never been studied before in relation to obesity,” he said. she declared.

News Source :
Gn Health

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