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Oakland to offer A’s $97 million Coliseum lease extension: report

Tuesday’s meeting between the A’s and Oakland officials is shaping up to be a key moment in deciding whether the team will stay at the Coliseum beyond 2024.

City officials plan to offer a five-year extension of the team’s lease, worth $97 million, with an option to opt out after three years, according to documents obtained by ESPN and ABC7. Even if the team leaves after three years, the city’s proposal would require the A’s to pay the full amount.

That creates a significant gap between what the city is asking for and what the A’s have offered — a two-year contract worth $17 million, according to the ESPN report, which says the current lease is worth at $1.5 million per year. If they stay for five years, the annual cost would be $19.4 million; if they opt out, it would be $32.3 million.

A major incentive for the A’s to stay in Oakland is the $67 million in annual revenue from the team’s deal to broadcast games on NBC Sports California. If the team were to move to Sacramento, one of two cities it has targeted outside of Oakland and Las Vegas, it could potentially continue showing games on that channel for at least part of this deal.

This week’s meeting will be the third in a series of discussions since the parties began extension negotiations in February.

California Daily Newspapers

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