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Oakland cannabis warehouse goes up in smoke on 420

A cannabis grow warehouse in East Oakland went up in smoke early on the morning of 4/20 – culturally known as a stoner party to celebrate marijuana.

The fire broke out shortly after 4:20 a.m. in an RV parked directly across the street from the warehouse, located at 1000 40th Ave. in East Oakland. Ten fire trucks and nearly 60 firefighters responded to the three-alarm blaze and had it under control by 6:05 a.m., Oakland Fire Department spokesman Michael Hunt said.

No injuries were reported.

Juana Ochoa lives two doors down from the cannabis cultivation facility. She woke up early to loud pops and initially thought someone was lighting fireworks. When she opened her front door to look outside, she saw an RV on her street catching fire.

California Daily Newspapers

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