
Nigel Farage says UK return will make helping Trump difficult – POLITICO

He will stand again for Parliament in the seat of Clacton and is looking to make life difficult for struggling Tories in the July 4 general election.

“They have spent the better part of the last five years fighting against each other rather than standing up and fighting for the interests of this country,” Farage said of the Conservatives in announcing his candidacy.

Just days ago, Farage ruled out running for Parliament – and pledged to “help the people’s campaign” to get Trump elected in the US.

But his new plan to represent a British parliamentary seat requires weekly surgeries and dealing with local voters – a far cry from high-octane American campaigns.

“Obviously if I’m elected MP for Clacton and I’m there every Friday… it will become more difficult but not impossible,” Farage told reporters at his announcement on Monday when asked if he could still help Trump.


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Farage, who previously ran unsuccessfully for the British Parliament, also confirmed that he had not consulted the former president for his opinion on whether to make a return to the UK.


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