
New ride-sharing services launching in Twin Cities as Uber and Lyft appear on their way out

New ride-sharing service launches in Minneapolis, as Uber and Lyft threaten to leave

New ride-sharing service launches in Minneapolis, as Uber and Lyft threaten to leave


MINNEAPOLIS — Just 45 days until Uber and Lyft I plan to leave Minnesota.other ride-sharing companies are already arriving with plans to take over.

Even before Uber and Lyft’s exit attempt when the new law on driver remuneration takes effect July 1, Minneapolis rideshare users already have two new options.

Wridz, a Texas-based company, uses a subscription model in which drivers pay a monthly fee and earn 100% of their fares. By next week, founder and CEO Steve Wright hopes to have onboarded 1,000 drivers.

“We officially started yesterday in Minneapolis, we actually started doing trips,” Wright said. “We’re not afraid of the minimum wage, in fact we embrace it. I think it’s a good thing for drivers to get a fair wage.”

At the same time, a new company called MyWheels is also launching into the Twin Cities market. They started offering rides in early May and hope to have 200 drivers by mid-June.

“We’re here, we’re going to be here, all the property is locally owned,” said Elam Baer, ​​CEO of MyWheels. “Installing a large number of drivers, building your application and setting up your systems in a short period of time is challenging. »

Despite the new businesses, some metro area residents said they hope a deal can be reached that keeps Uber and Lyft operating in the metro area and state, while recognizing that increased competition could have a positive side .

“I hope (Uber and Lyft) don’t go away. It’s something people here use all the time, especially in this neighborhood,” said Sam Hinh, a North Loop resident. “I think at first it will be confusing, but it is currently a monopoly of two companies, so having more I think will be beneficial.”

Lawmakers have just days to negotiate salaries, protections before the end of the sessionsomething Governor Tim Walz urged them to do.

“Bring everyone to the table, don’t exclude certain people, come back and come to a compromise,” Walz said Thursday.

Wridz and MyWheels say they hope to license in St. Paul and Minneapolis-St. Soon Paul International Airport.

“It would be great if (Uber and Lyft) stayed just for everyone’s personal lives, like they’ve definitely been a big help to our generation,” Tyla Steensma said.


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