
New Paper Mario Survey Suggests Unique Character Designs Could Make a Return

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Image: Nintendo Life / Nintendo

When Paper Mario: The Origami King was released on Switch, news began to circulate that the development team was no longer able to “edit” the series’ characters. Now that the GameCube title Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is officially back, it looks like Nintendo might be reconsidering its stance.

As Nintenduo points out, a new player survey in select regions reportedly asks Paper Mario fans about the series’ unique character designs.

The survey asks what “type of character” fans like the most – with one answer apparently being “I like characters who are like other familiar characters, but have a unique appearance or personality” . And along with that, there’s another question asking fans which Thousand Year Gate character they like the most.

The recently relaunched GameCube entry features all sorts of unique characters, but newer games have moved away from them. According to producer Kensuke Tanabe, it has not been possible to “modify Mario characters or create original characters touching on the Mario universe” since Paper Mario: Sticker Star on 3DS.

You can read more about it (including Shigeru Miyamoto’s involvement) in our previous coverage here on Nintendo Life:

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