
New Brexit border tax triggers UK business backlash – POLITICO

“As April 30 approaches, this is another blow to the work done to publicize (the new border controls), which adds even more confusion to the message,” said Marco Forgione, director general of the Institute of Export and International Trade. .

He warned that these accusations would hit small and medium-sized businesses hardest.

“Even though large businesses have the capacity to absorb this cost, it will be small businesses that will feel the full force of these fees,” he said. “Up to an extra £145.00 per shipment could mean the entire profit will be completely wiped out.”

This could “ultimately make the UK less attractive to small businesses in the EU”, he added.

A “disappointing change of approach”

Although the UK does not levy customs duties on EU products, the ‘common user fee’ is intended to cover the cost of veterinary and health inspections of animal and plant products.

The charge will be set at £29 per shipment for medium and high risk products of animal or plant origin. Animal products rated as low risk will be charged £10, while plant products rated as low risk will be assessed for free. Products in transit via the UK will pay £10 per shipment.


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