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Nevada couple reunited with missing cat after 5 years and a 1,200 mile trip

A Nevada couple received their own “miracle” when they were reunited with their lost cat who somehow ended up more than 1,200 miles away in Arkansas.

Cindy and Jeff Hall were devastated when their rescue cat, Sam, a Russian blue, went missing five years ago while at their former residence in Arizona.

“We had him for seven years and then one day he came out,” Cindy told KARK News.

Cindy and Jeff Hall were reunited with their cat, Sam, after she went missing five years ago. PAWSitivelyCats/Facebook
Sam, a Russian Blue, was 7 years old when he disappeared from his family home in Arizona. via KARK

Sam, who was adopted at just 12 weeks old, was nowhere to be found, but last month the Halls received a phone call saying he had been picked up from an Arkansas animal shelter, where they named him Luke .

The cat was picked up by two dog-transporting volunteers and spotted the Russian Blue at a gas station in Brinkley.

“It’s a miracle that he approached these two women who were being rescued,” Cindy said of the chance encounter.

Volunteers delivered the cat to the Jacksonville Veterinary Hospital, where staff were able to scan his microchip and alert the Pawsitively Cats animal shelter, where the Halls had adopted Sam.

Sam was found more than 2,000 miles away in Arkansas, where he was released to staff at the Jacksonville Veterinary Hospital. PAWSitivelyCats/Facebook
The cat, now 12 years old, was ready for his journey home. PAWSitivelyCats/Facebook

“We contacted his family to find out how Luke ended up abandoned at this gas station; they were thrilled to know he was alive,” the shelter said in a Facebook update.

After being pampered, Sam began the long journey home as volunteers drove him to El Paso before dropping him off on the second leg of the trip to Tucson.

The final stretch saw the Russian Blue travel to Nevada, where he was reunited with his parents.

Cindy was delighted to find Sam at his house in Nevada. PAWSitivelyCats/Facebook
Cindy says Sam acts like he never left. via KARK

“When we got it, it was surreal,” Cindy Hall told KARK. “It’s such a beautiful story.”

“This story simply cannot underestimate the power of a microchip,” she added. “We are very grateful to everyone involved.”

Although he is now 12, Sam still behaves the same way, the Halls said, with their home life finally returning to normal.

Although it’s unclear how Sam managed to find his way to Arkansas, Cindy said she was just happy to have him back.

“Having him home makes our family feel complete,” Cindy Hall said.

New York Post

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