
Neuralink will embed wires deeper into second patient’s brain: WSJ

Neuralink got the green light to implant its device in a second patient – ​​and found a fix for the error that affected its inaugural trial.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized a second trial in which the implant threads – 64 threads in total, each thinner than a strand of human hair – will be implanted even deeper into the brain to prevent them from leaving. of place.

Neuralink aims to make its next implant in June – and a total of 10 implants this year, according to the Journal. Musk said Friday that applications were open for a second participant.

“Generally speaking, the FDA cannot discuss or disclose information related to an investigational device exemption (IDE) application or a particular company’s study under an IDE,” a statement said. an FDA press officer told Business Insider.

Neuralink did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The first patient to receive an implant, Noland Arbaugh, went through an emotional roller coaster. Initially, Arbaugh – a quadriplegic – could control a computer cursor with his thoughts to communicate and play games.

But after a month, the device was no longer as effective. That’s because 85 percent of the wires that had been inserted into his motor cortex to relay signals had retracted due to brain movements.

Neuralink initially considered removing the implant, but the remaining wires eventually stabilized and the company released software changes — with Arbaugh telling the Journal that it was now more effective than ever.

In the next test, wires will be implanted 8 millimeters deep (compared to three to five millimeters in Arbaugh’s case), according to the Journal.


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