MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute Gives Betty a Second Chance at Life After Being Put on Hospice – Orange County Register

Betty Swartzentruber, now 90, received lifesaving care from the cardiologists and surgeons at MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute.

Betty learned to live with atrial fibrillation (AF) for most of her senior life and managed her atrial fibrillation symptoms with various medications and lifestyle modifications. However, earlier this year, Betty experienced complications from an episode of atrial fibrillation unlike others, sending her to the emergency room not once, but twice. Betty was first seen at a major hospital in Los Angeles County to help relieve her Afib symptoms. She was sent home with medication and told to monitor her symptoms in case anything new came up.

Ten days later, Betty went to MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center for further assistance, and the MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute ordered a CT scan to see if there were other options to resolve her atrial fibrillation. The scan revealed something much scarier, a dissection of the ascending aorta, which could be a life-threatening diagnosis if left untreated.

Due to his age and other health issues, Saddleback’s care team advised him and his family to avoid open heart surgery because his body would likely not be able to cope the operation and to recover afterwards. The care team discussed their options and both parties agreed that palliative care was the best choice. His family began preparations for his palliative care and began to say goodbye.

“It was a very difficult time for our whole family,” said Katrina Navarro, Betty’s granddaughter. “We flew our family in from out of state to say goodbye to him before he passed away – we didn’t know when would be his last.”

As her family prepared her for hospice, Dr. Jeffrey Altschuler (no longer with MemorialCare) consulted on her case and knew of an FDA-approved study to treat patients with her condition – an aortic endograft. If Betty qualified for this study and approved the treatment, it could save her life.

“An aortic endograft is a metal tube covered with a fabric mesh that essentially acts as a scaffold to support and cover the inside of the aorta,” explains Dr. Rodney White, medical director of vascular surgery, MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute, Long Beach Medical Center. . “This type of procedure is minimally invasive and can be performed with minimal incisions, which helps reduce hospitalization and recovery times, and also helps restore healthy blood flow. In Betty’s case, it was the difference between life and death.

With the support of her family and her tenacity, she agreed to have the operation. Betty was quickly transferred to Long Beach Medical Center for evaluation and treatment by the cardiac team. Dr. Altschuler and Dr. White, with assistance from Dr. Ali Khoynezhad, Director of Aortic and Arrhythmia Surgery, MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute, Long Beach Medical Center, successfully performed the aortic endograft procedure and solved Betty’s aortic dissection. After leaving the hospital, she was treated at Long Beach Medical Center’s Cardiac Rehabilitation Center for three hours a day as part of an extensive 10-day program. After rehabilitation, she returned home and made a full recovery.

Shortly after her rehabilitation at Long Beach Medical Center, Betty visited her cardiologist at Saddleback Medical Center to resolve her Afib once and for all. Her cardiologist recommended she undergo electrical cardioversion – a procedure in which a cardiologist sends controlled electric shocks through the chest wall to reset the heart’s rhythm. Dr. Paul Drury, medical director of electrophysiology at MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute at Saddleback Medical Center, performed the cardioversion, which permanently stopped Betty’s atrial fibrillation.

After being completely absolved of all her heart conditions, Betty quickly returned to normal activities, renewed her driver’s license, and now lives independently in an active retirement community in Southern California, playing cards with her friends. She also traveled to Ireland for 10 days with her son and witnessed the birth of another great-grandchild last month. Shortly after treatment, Betty was able to celebrate her 90th birthday with family and friends by her side.

“I am very grateful to the specialists at MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute,” said Swartzentruber. “After learning that I have little time left, I am very grateful to be alive.”

MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute specializes in advanced and minimally invasive cardiac and vascular procedures. Its renowned cardiac specialists use innovative techniques, so patients benefit from fewer complications, less scarring, greater comfort and faster recovery. Distinguished as a leading heart and vascular institute, MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute offers personalized prevention programs, world-renowned physicians, cutting-edge diagnostic screenings, advanced treatments, rehabilitation and cutting-edge research. The cardiac team and medical staff are passionate about providing the highest quality patient and family-centered care.

“MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute offers the highest level of cardiac care,” said Dr. White. “It makes us very proud to see our cardiac teams from both hospitals working together to bring life-saving results to a patient. Betty’s recovery is a perfect example of taking control of your health, seeking a second opinion, and seeking treatment from qualified healthcare professionals.

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