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Megyn Kelly on Stormy Daniels’ ‘revisionism’ about Donald Trump’s sexual adventures

Megyn Kelly slammed “sleazy” Stormy Daniels for her “#MeToo bullshit revisionism” in recalling her alleged sexual encounter with former President Donald Trump.

“What shocked me the most (about Stormy Daniels) was that she completely revised her account of the interlude (with Trump),” Kelly said on her SiriusXM podcast “The Megyn Kelly Show ” THURSDAY.

“It went from that flippant description when she first said it publicly, ‘he was interesting and he was nice’… to ‘I passed out… the blood left my fingers and toes.’ “

Megyn Kelly called Stormy Daniels “sleazy” during her SiriusXM podcast “The Megyn Kelly Show” on Thursday. The Megyn Kelly Show

Kelly said there was a contradiction between Daniels saying “the room was spinning and he was stopping me from getting out because he was sitting on the bed between me leaving the bathroom and the door but in a way non-threatening” and “Oh, and by the way, I didn’t say no.

“It’s ab-llshit #MeToo revisionism and everyone buys it!” Kelly said.

The Post has reached out for comment from Daniels.

Daniels, the former adult film star whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, returned to the witness stand in a Manhattan courtroom Thursday in the “silence” case against Trump.

Trump, who is on trial for allegedly falsifying business records related to a $130,000 payment to Daniels, was in court as Daniels testified for several hours Tuesday — before being cross-examined Thursday — about their tryst you in a Lake Tahoe hotel suite in 2006.

Daniels said Trump made sexual advances after inviting her to his hotel suite during a celebrity golf tournament.

Daniels testified this week at Trump’s trial in Manhattan about their 2006 sexual relationship. JUSTIN LANE/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

She said Trump told her, “It’s the only way we’re going to get out of the trailer park.” »

Daniels said she “blacked out” while not using drugs or alcohol after Trump prevented her from leaving the room by blocking the door.

She said she woke up on the bed with no clothes on.

“I was trying to think about anything other than what was going on there,” Daniels testified.

The alleged encounter took place while Trump was married to his current wife, Melania.

Kelly on Wednesday pointed out apparent inconsistencies between Daniels’ testimony and statements she made to the media that painted Trump in a more flattering light.

During Wednesday’s edition of her SiriusXM podcast, Kelly said she “brought receipts” regarding the inconsistencies.

Kelly referenced the March 2018 interview Daniels gave to Anderson Cooper of CBS’s “60 Minutes,” in which she said her meeting with Trump was “not a #MeToo situation.”

Last month, Daniels told ABC’s “The View” that Trump had implied she needed to have sex with him to advance her career and that she felt cornered by him .

“I thought you wanted to succeed. You have to show me what it takes,” Daniels said on “The View” — paraphrasing what Trump communicated to him in the Lake Tahoe hotel suite.

Kelly pointed out apparent inconsistencies in Daniels’ statements on the witness stand and in comments she made to the press. The Megyn Kelly Show

Daniels told “The View” last month that she “didn’t realize the seriousness of it” until she watched the movie “Bombshell,” which was based on the sexual harassment allegations made against the late Fox News boss Roger Ailes.

Kelly expressed doubt about Daniels’ statement, saying, “That didn’t happen.” »

Kelly then cited a 2011 interview Daniels gave to In Touch magazine, which was not published until 2018 because the publication could not get comments from Michael Cohen, the former Trump fixer who threatened to sue the magazine.

“We started kissing,” Daniels told In Touch. “Actually, I don’t even know why I did it, but I remember while we were making love, I was like, ‘Please don’t try to pay me.’

“And then I remember thinking, ‘But I bet if he did, it would be a lot’.”

Trump and Daniels met at a golf tournament in Lake Tahoe in 2006. Stormy Daniels

Kelly said Daniels was “well aware of what was happening” which is “far from oblivion.”

“She was thinking about money,” Kelly said.

She then cited other comments Daniels made to the publication, which quoted her as saying: “You know. It was a position, something you would expect someone his age to do. It was not bad. Do not mistake yourself.

Daniels told In Touch that she was “fascinated” and “definitely energized” during her meeting with Trump.

“We had some really good banter, good conversation for a few hours,” Daniels was quoted as saying.

“I could tell he was nice and intelligent in conversation,” Daniels said of Trump.

“Usually, I guess if you pass out during a sex act, you don’t remember how good it felt,” Kelly said.

New York Post

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