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McDonald’s debuts ‘world’s first billboard’ that smells like fries in Netherlands – NBC Chicago

Sure, you’ve seen billboards. But have you ever had the chance to smell one?

Some will soon be able to, thanks to McDonald’s.

According to a press release, the Chicago-based burger chain has launched a series of seemingly simple yellow and red billboards in the Netherlands that contain “the distinct aroma of McDonald’s fries.”

“In everyday environments like elevators, subways or conference rooms, we often encounter a familiar smell: McDonald’s,” the press release states. “Although invisible, its presence is unmistakable, similar to the brand’s iconic logo or jingle. That’s why McDonald’s Netherlands leveraged its iconic scent in its latest campaign.”

According to the release, the billboards appear empty at first glance. However, passengers approaching within five meters of the signs will begin to smell the chain’s signature fries.

This is the first time that an advertising billboard has been used to “spread the McDonald’s flavor”, the press release added.

A promotional video for the campaign described it as “the world’s first billboard that smells like McDonald’s”. In the video, officials say the brand used fans to “suck up and diffuse” the smell of McDonald’s fries placed inside the store.

The billboards were then placed “strategically” within 200 meters of McDonald’s restaurants, the release said.

The campaign comes after McDonald’s announced that all U.S. stores would begin selling McDonald’s Krispy Kreme donuts. The deployment will begin in the second half of 2024. It is expected to be completed in 2026, officials said.

NBC Chicago

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