
Maximilian Dood Shows Off 66% Damage Combo With Akuma In Street Fighter 6 Ahead Of Release

Late last night, Maximilian Dood announced on X (formerly Twitter) that Capcom had provided him with early access to Akuma in Street Fighter 6. As such, Maximilian Dood spent a lot of time exploring Akuma during his recent stream.

At one point, a particularly nasty combo was featured. It turns out that Akuma can connect from a heavy, raw Adamant Flame if it hits like a punishment marker in the corner. This might seem impractical, but the way Akuma moves backwards before launching himself forwards with incredible reach means this could actually happen in a real match.

After landing this first hit, Akuma has enough frame advantage to launch into a crouching heavy punch. From there, he can then cancel his Drive Rush to continue the combo.

Eventually, the opponent is put into a wall splash state thanks to the properties of an Adamant Flame Overdrive in the corner. Akuma can then throw the opponent, then charge his fireball just enough for two hits.

The entire sequence ends with Akuma’s standard critical art. In total, the opponent takes exactly 6,600 points of damage.

Against most characters, this is 66% of the health bar. In the mirror match, it will be even deadlier.

Check it all out below along with the full video of Max trying out Akuma:

News Source :
Gn tech

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