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World News

Massive tornado swirls near Lincoln, Nebraska

Weather officials urged eastern Nebraska residents to take shelter ‘immediately’ tornadoes passed through the Lincoln and Omaha metro areas on Friday, April 26.

Friday afternoon, the National Weather Service confirmed a tornado touched down in the Lincoln area.

Footage captured by Clint Hendricks shows the massive tornado swirl as he drove on Interstate 80 Friday afternoon.

“A lot of debris in the air,” Hendricks said. Credit: Clint Hendricks IV via Storyful

Video transcription

Oh my God. Huge tornado. The time northeast of Lincoln Nebraska is 254. Oh, my God. Look at this. She always shoots. It’s a strong tornado. Lots of debris in the air. Lots of debris in the air. Oh, Jesus. Be with these people. Oh, this is causing a lot of damage. Oh, my God.


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