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Masked Tunisian police arrest prominent lawyer for media comments | Human Rights News

Masked police officers are filmed storming the premises of the Maison des Avocats du Barreau to arrest lawyer Sonia Dahmani.

A prominent Tunisian lawyer and two journalists have been arrested, the latest step by a presidential administration that has shown little tolerance for criticism.

The arrest of lawyer and commentator Sonia Dahmani on Saturday evening was filmed as she was taken from the Maison des Avocats, part of the legal union, where she had taken refuge.

The same evening, television and radio presenter Borhen Bssais and political commentator Mourad Zeghidi were also arrested for comments on the administration, before being placed in detention under a “detention warrant of 48 hours and (they) will have to appear before an investigating judge,” lawyer Ghazi Mrabet told the AFP news agency.

Dahmani was arrested after refusing to respond to a summons issued Thursday for questioning. The summons would concern comments she made on Wednesday during a television show.

Appearing on the Donya Zina show on the Carthage Plus channel, Dahmani responded to host Braham Bsiss during a discussion on whether refugees and migrants from sub-Saharan Africa transiting through Tunisia would try to stay there and “conquer” the country.

“What kind of extraordinary country are we talking about? The one that half of his youth wants to leave? she noted, indicating that Tunisia was not an attractive country to settle in given the fall in living standards which was pushing its youth to leave.

AFP reported that many viewers found Dahmani’s comment “degrading” to Tunisia’s image and that a summons to appear before an investigating judge was issued.

Dahmani was present on the same show two weeks ago, passionately denouncing the government and President Kais Saied for “having made Tunisia a border guard for Europe” and “having allowed a project aimed at making it a “Lampedusa”, in reference to the Italian government. island where refugees and undocumented migrants land.

Dahmani said she did not respond to Thursday’s summons because she did not state the reason for it or provide supporting documentation.

Instead, she sought refuge at the Maison des Avocats, affiliated with the Tunisian Order of Lawyers (ONAT), which was then raided to arrest her.

Several journalists covering the case were also arrested, including Mourad Zghidi, Borhen Bsaies and Maryline Dumas of France 24, who filmed part of the arrest during her reporting. All have since been released.

However, Dahmani’s whereabouts are unknown.

Translation: Tunisian journalist Sonia Dahmani was taken by force by hooded agents live on France 24 during a live broadcast by Maryline Dumas. Journalists around the world can no longer work peacefully.

Zeghidi was arrested in connection with a Facebook post supporting incarcerated journalist Mohamed Boughalleb, sentenced to six months in prison for defamation of a public official, as well as for “statements made on television shows since February”, said his lawyer. The exact reasons for Bsaies’ arrest are unclear, but his lawyer suggested it was linked to Decree 54, a controversial law prohibiting the dissemination of “false news” on electronic networks that “may harm security public or national defense.

Reacting to Dahmani’s arrest, Laarousi Zguir, head of the Tunis division of the Tunisian Lawyers’ Bar, said at a press conference later in the evening: “We were surprised around 8:45 p.m. by the sudden assault numerous masked individuals who broke down our office doors and lawyers were verbally and physically attacked.

According to reports, Dahmani could also be accused of violating Decree 54.

Anyone found guilty under Decree 54 faces a sentence of five years in prison and a fine of 50,000 Tunisian dinars ($15,600), doubled up to 10 years in prison if the “false reports” include a public official .

The Tunisian Bar Association has called for a general regional strike in all Tunis courts starting Monday, in response to Saturday’s raid.

The issue of irregular migration is sensitive in Tunisia, where journalists are often prevented from accessing tens of thousands of irregular arrivals forced to shelter in olive fields near the coastal city of Sfax, while awaiting a boat to go out.

Alongside black refugees and migrants hoping to emigrate to Europe are many young Tunisians, hoping to escape the country’s deteriorating financial situation.

In 2023, 17,322 Tunisian nationals arrived in Italy without papers, the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights reported.

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