Man with profile picture of NFL’s Aaron Rodgers scams woman out of money, personal info

A man who went by the fictitious name “Aaron Rodgers” managed to convince a woman within months to give him all of her personal information, then took hundreds of dollars from her.

The incident was reported on March 20.

Police went to the woman’s home in Trenton, Michigan, and she told them she had met him on the messaging site “Viber.”

She said they had been in communication since early February and she thought he was legit because he was “talking about him personally.”

Within that time frame, she said she sent him her driver’s license information, social security number and bank accounts with her personal information numbers.

The woman told police she texted the man on March 17 to tell him she was about to leave her apartment. He told her he would send her $10,000 to help if she could send $800 to his lawyer’s wife via PayPal.

She said she agreed and sent $823.50 from her checking account to the woman.

That’s when the resident said she became suspicious and sent messages to “Aaron Rodgers” and the woman she sent money to and eventually threatened to contact the authorities.

She received a response from “Aaron Rogers”, who told her that she would be the one arrested and “thrown in jail”, adding that he had the authorities after her.

According to a police report, the woman showed police a profile picture of the man she was communicating with and it was of NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers wearing a Green Packers cap. Bay.

She also showed police her account information confirming the money she had sent.

The woman took steps to freeze her accounts and was advised to continue monitoring her credit reports.

Officers also asked the woman to block the fake football player and the woman who received his money on all social media platforms.

California Daily Newspapers

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