
Man City WILL be relegated if found guilty of FFP charges, but expert explains why Premier League champions are unlikely to launch legal action

Manchester City WILL be relegated from the Premier League if found guilty of FFP charges – but that’s a big if.

That’s the verdict of former City financial advisor Stefan Borson, who spoke to talkSPORT about the looming affair surrounding the Premier League champions.

City could face unprecedented Premier League punishment


City could face unprecedented Premier League punishmentCredit: Getty

City could find themselves in a very tricky situation after being accused of breaking 115 financial fair play rules over an eight-year period.

This coincided with the club blossoming into the dominant force in English football during the 2010/11 and 2017/18 football seasons.

There had been rumors that City could lose their Premier League titles during this period – having won the league in 2012, 2014 and 2018.

And there is even a possibility of relegation, although Borson does not see such a situation happening.

Speaking to talkSPORT, the former City financial advisor said: “The scale is on a completely different level (compared to Everton and Nottingham Forest).

“There is no doubt that if these accusations are proven it will at least end in relegation. There is the suggestion of a conspiracy over an effective ten year period.

“If this is proven, it is extremely serious. No one will dispute that. City will say, I promise you, that this is an allegation of the most serious nature.

“It seems very unlikely to me that the alleged behavior took place over a ten year period with the type of individuals involved at the club and in the businesses involved.

Borson explains why City could escape relegation


Borson explains why City could escape relegationCredit: TalkSport
Jurgen Klopp takes farewell photos to Chelsea, Manchester City and Manchester United at Liverpool farewell event
City were charged over an eight-year period in the Premier League


City were charged over an eight-year period in the Premier LeagueCredit: Getty

“It would be a very big challenge for any court or tribunal to suggest that such a number of people have been dishonest and perjured themselves.

“It would be a massive call, indeed, from some KCs and perhaps a former financial director of a football club, to be made not only against Manchester City, but against many managers, against third parties and , of course, against potential leaders of foreign states.

In response to the threat, City have launched their own legal action against the Premier League, according to the Times.

Citizens are pushing for the removal of rules on associated party transactions (APTs), which they consider “illegal”.

These rules were implemented after the majority takeover of Newcastle United by the Saudi Public Investment Fund.

The aim is to keep the league competitive by preventing clubs from inflating their wealth through sponsorship deals linked to club owners.

Additionally, any new sponsorship agreements must be entered into independently and at fair market value.

But City believes these laws are unfair and says they were passed by a “tyranny of the majority”.

This relates to the fact that Premier League rules are only adopted if 2/3 of the clubs vote in favor.

Man City owner allegedly made numerous questionable financial deals


Man City owner allegedly made numerous questionable financial dealsCredit: getty

As a result, a two-week arbitration is set to begin next week, with the other 19 Premier League clubs all invited to take part.

Between ten and twelve first division teams have chosen to support the elite.

This is a completely separate hearing from City’s hearing regarding his 115 charges, but it could have an impact on that case.

Indeed, part of the Premier League’s case against the champions rests on inflated sponsorship deals with Abu Dhabi-linked companies.

City allegedly concealed payments made by owner Sheikh Mansour through third parties, while four of City’s sponsorship deals have links to Abu Dhabi.

So if blocking these deals proves illegal, City could see many charges dropped before his hearing in November.


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