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Man attempts to shoot pastor of North Braddock church during live sermon – NBC Chicago

A Pennsylvania pastor’s sermon was interrupted Sunday when a gunman pulled out his gun during a church service and tried to shoot him.

A live stream of the service at Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock captured the moment Bernard Junior Polite, 26, walked to the front of the church and pointed a gun at Rev Glenn Germany while Germany was in the middle of his sermon.

They can be seen hiding behind his pulpit as church deacon Clarence McCallister jumps Polite from behind and tackles him to the ground. Germany and McCallister then snatch the gun from Polite’s hands. Pennsylvania State Police said the gun jammed and did not fire.

“He pulled out the gun; it clicked,” Germany told WPIX-TV. “You heard him shoot. God blocked the gun so the bullet wouldn’t come out.

About 25 parishioners, including Germany’s 14-year-old daughter, were present and witnessed the attempted shooting, police said.

Germany said Polite told him that voices in his head told him to shoot the pastor.

“He said the spirits were in my mind,” Germany said. “They got into my mind and told me to shoot the pastor.”

Germany also said Polite apologized and forgave him, adding that the suspect appeared to suffer from some form of mental illness.

Polite was arrested and faces charges of aggravated assault and attempted homicide, police said.

Allegheny County police said the body of a man was found shot to death in Polite’s home Sunday evening, WTAE-TV reports. It is unclear if Polite is connected to this shooting. Authorities are investigating.

NBC Chicago

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