World News

Malaysian shoemaker apologizes for high heels whose logo some say resembles Arabic script for God

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — A Malaysian shoe company has apologized and stopped selling some of its shoes after some Muslims said the logo resembled the Arabic script for the word God.

Vern’s Holdings said the logo printed on the soles of some high-heeled shoes depicted the silhouette of a stiletto heel with a spiral at the ankle. He acknowledged, however, that flaws in the design may have led to the logo being misinterpreted. She said she acted immediately to stop the sale of the shoes and refund customers who purchased them.

“We have absolutely no intention of designing a logo to demean or insult any religion or belief,” Vern’s said in a statement posted on social media. “The management would like to humbly apologize and ask for forgiveness. We hope for compassion so that we can rectify this mistake.

The controversy follows an outcry last month over socks printed with the word “Allah” on the shelves of a major Malaysian convenience store chain. The owners of KK Mart and representatives of one of its suppliers were accused on March 26 of offending the religious feelings of Muslims, and some stores were hit with small Molotov cocktails. No injuries were reported.

Religion is a sensitive issue in Malaysia, where Muslims make up two-thirds of a population of 34 million, with significant Chinese and Indian ethnic minorities. “Allah,” the Arabic word for God, is sacrosanct to Malaysian Muslims and many have found it offensive to associate the word with feet.

The matter came to light after critical social media posts pointed out the logo’s resemblance. Religious authorities and police said they were investigating the matter after receiving complaints from the public.

Meanwhile, tensions remained over the previous affair. KK Mart Group, the country’s second-largest convenience store chain, said the supplier sent items the company did not agree to stock. The founder of the supply company said the socks were imported from China as part of a large shipment and apologized for being negligent in inspecting them.

The head of the youth wing of a Malay nationalist party in the Malaysian government has pushed for a boycott of the channel and is under investigation for suspected sedition following a social media post showing him brandishing a sword. Critics say the party is seeking to win support among Malaysians after heavy losses in the last general election.


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