
Making time for multiplayer video games with friends is important

These days, anyone who talks to me about video games hears a key phrase from my lexicon. “Oh, I watched my friend play this at Gamer Night.” “I have to install it in time for Gamer Night!” “I finally finished it at Gamer Night last night.” Since 2020, my Thursday night has been Gamer Night, and it’s changed everything for me.

It’s not just me bragging about having friends, although I’m very grateful to have them. If you were a lonely kid growing up, like me, you can probably understand how amazed I am to have consistent friendships, let alone a long-standing commitment to meeting (virtually) the same group of people every week . You may be thinking, I don’t have any friends who would want to do that. Or you might be thinking, We’re all too busy for that.

I thought about all these things too, and it wasn’t that long ago. Before it became part of my life as a permanent weekly commitment (although any of us might miss it, since there are four of us and Gamer Night is just as fun with three or two), the very idea of Gamer Night seemed pointless. and perhaps even impossible, from a calendar perspective. Before Gamer Night, I had a freer approach to games. Every once in a while there would be a cool multiplayer game that I wanted to try, and sometimes I could convince a few friends to play it with me. It would always involve some irritating scheduling shenanigans, and it would almost never happen as often as any of us would like. It was a very good way to live. But I had no idea how much better it might be.

Gamer Night was born in my own life as a result of organizing a group of gamers for a multiplayer game. It all started in the fall of 2019, when two friends and I became passionate about Destiny 2, which offers many cooperative activities for three players. This led us to try some raids, which are higher-intensity cooperative multiplayer activities in Destiny 2 it requires six people and therefore a lot of scheduling coordination. In the end, it was far too difficult for all of us to maintain, but in the process we landed on a weekly evening for four of us who cared most about the idea of ​​getting together regularly at Discord voice call and games. together. We chose to call it “Gamer Night” because it was funny. It got stuck.

It didn’t take long for Gamer Night to evolve into an even more ideal format. It’s no longer a weekly event for multiplayer games – not necessarily, anyway. It’s still a night to play games with friends, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we’re all playing the same game. We could be playing four totally different games. Two of us could play one Monitoring 2 match together while someone else watches the match and the fourth person plays Ancient Ring. Three of us could watch a fourth person play Dark souls, offering advice when needed, or simply taking stock of our lives. The four of us might not even play a game and just watch a Twitch stream of a game and talk shit about it. All of these activities are Gamer Night.

Perhaps the most important part is that Gamer Night is only two hours long, at least for me. I arrive at 7:30 p.m. and leave at 9:30 p.m. (tragically, I’ve discovered that if I play a video game too late at night, I can’t sleep – hence the early signing for my sleep hygiene.) Sometimes my friends start earlier or finish later, and like I said before, sometimes one of us can’t be there. But it almost always happens, because the results are rewarding. The original goal was to have time to play games together, especially multiplayer games, without the hassle of planning – but it ended up being something that bonded us even more than when we started , which is impressive considering we all already liked each other quite a bit.

And so I leave you with this guideline: Plan a weekly Gamer Night. It lasts two hours – it starts when you finish dinner and it ends before you need to get ready for bed. You take time to play video games, which is fun, but you Really take the time to be with your friends, which is even better. You will not regret it.

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