Simona Halep, who won 24 WTA titles in her career, including the French Open in 2018 and Wimbledon in 2019, retired tennis on Tuesday. A world number one worldwide, Halep’s career has taken a story after testing positive for a prohibited substance and its ban.
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The former number one number one number one of Simona Halep announced her retirement on Tuesday after her defeat in the first round at the WTA Cluj-Napoca tournament in her native Romania. The 33-year-old man lost 6-1, 6-1 at the 72nd Lucia bronzetti Italian classified.
The double champion of the Grand Chelem, who had worked to recover after a doping ban, withdrew from the Australian Open in qualifying last month, citing the knee and shoulder pain.
Halep ended his career after winning 24 WTA titles, 2 Grand Chelems
Halep returned to tennis in March of last year after his career has been suspended since October 7, 2022, after having tested positive for Roxadustat at the US Open.
The winner of the 2018 titles by French Open and 2019 Wimbledon was then taken in a second case, on “irregularities” in the data of her biological passport.
She has received a four -year ban by ITIA, but managed to call on the Sports Arbitration Court (case), asserting her positive test for roxadustat – used to treat anemia and prohibited as an agent blood doping – was the result of a contaminated supplement.
She saw doping knowingly and her ban was reduced from four years to nine months.
But she never managed to find the level that allowed her to go up in the world ranking in October 2017, a position she held for 64 weeks in total in her career.
“I do not know if it is with joy or sadness that I speak to you but I made this decision in my soul and my conscience, I have always been lucid. My body no longer follows, but today I wanted to play and say my farewell on the ground, ”Halep told the Romanian crowd.
Halep won 24 WTA titles during his 19 -year career, including the French Open in 2018 and Wimbledon in 2019.
She also played in three other Grand Chelem finals – the French Open in 2014 and 2017 and the Australian Open in 2018.