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Live updates from Israel to Gaza: 22 people, including 18 children, reportedly dead in Rafah strikes

Israeli forces withdrew after a day-long raid in the Nur Shams area of ​​the Tulkarem camp in the West Bank that left 14 “terrorists” dead, according to the Israeli army.

Israeli Border Police forces “carried out extensive counterterrorism activities based on IDF and ISA (Israeli Security Authority) intelligence in the Nur Shams area,” » the IDF said in a statement.

During the raid, which began on Friday, “the forces eliminated 14 terrorists in close combat, apprehended 15 wanted suspects, seized numerous weapons and destroyed dozens of explosive devices as well as two terrorist explosives laboratories”, according to the IDF press release.

The Israeli military said all the terrorists were killed in exchanges of fire with Israeli forces.

Since the raid began, nine IDF soldiers and an Israeli Border Police officer have been “mildly to moderately” injured in the fighting, according to the Israeli military.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society, the West Bank’s first aid service, also said 14 people were killed following the raid.

-Victoria Beaule of ABC News

ABC News

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