Letters: Perpetuating myth | Misconstruing facts

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The article perpetuates the myth
that the rich are overtaxed

Subject: “Yes, the rich are taxed enough” (page A9, March 24).

How many times will we hear the lie that high-income earners pay more than their fair share of taxes? EJ Antoni writes an entire column based on exactly what he’s complaining about: “cherry-picked data.”

“14.9 percent of all federal tax revenue (comes) from just 8.9 percent of family income,” he says, and he uses those numbers to argue that high earners pay too much. EJ, the number of families that make up the percentage of revenue doesn’t matter at all. It’s what they earn that matters and that determines what they pay. Yet you use these two numbers to make your false claim and further enlarge your error.

Before you rewrite, you should take a statistics course, which will teach you: a) how to use numbers correctly, and b) high earners don’t pay exorbitant amounts of money. Unfortunately, this cannot change the political momentum behind your intentionally flawed conclusions.

R Côté
Castro Valley

Defense of Trump
misinterprets the facts

Subject: “The Fraud Behind Donald Trump’s Fraud Charge” (Page A6, March 28).

Thank you for publishing Jay Ambrose’s misinformation article that criticized Democrats and defended Donald Trump.

Ambrose asserted that convicting deceptive lenders by filing fraudulent documents is a legal “trick” rather than a serious crime that harms the entire financial system. He called the use of a judge standing in for a jury “bizarre” and “damaging” despite the fact that Trump’s lawyers requested a judge instead of a jury.

Ambrose downplays Stormy Daniels’ upcoming trial by ignoring that it’s about campaign honesty, not porn star behavior.

Ambrose ignores the full Mueller report that confirmed Trump’s collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice, instead relying on William Barr’s whitewashed summary to discredit the accusations.

Ambrose misrepresents the 14th Amendment by using the word “expelled” rather than “convicted of insurrection.”

Publishing this misinformation helps readers understand why presumably reasonable people would support a lying fraudster for president. They are deceived.

Bruce Joffe

Don’t vote for leaders
push famine into Gaza

Subject: “Congress Seeks to Ban Funding of United Nations Agency” (page A3, March 21).

The article describes how an emergency funding bill aimed at averting a government shutdown includes a one-year extension of the Biden administration’s ban on funding UN agency UNRWA which is the main distributor of aid to the population of Gaza.

Despite insufficient symbolic face-saving measures, such as airdrops, Israeli measures to deliberately restrict aid in dribs and drabs are causing widespread famine, particularly in northern Gaza, where the Human Rights Committee The UN children’s office warns that one in three children suffer from acute malnutrition. . Twenty-seven children are believed to have already died of starvation, with the real number almost certainly much higher. The most vulnerable and the first to succumb are newborns and children under 2 years old.

Including this gratuitous ban in the emergency funding bill is cruel and shameful. People of conscience must refuse to vote for those responsible for child starvation.

Michael Dunlap

Without the Biden case,
The GOP Spins the Wheels

Meet “the gang who couldn’t investigate directly.”

The “star witness” in the House impeachment of President Biden, FBI informant Alex Smirnov, was recently indicted by David Weiss, a Republican U.S. Attorney appointed by Donald Trump, and accused of lying to FBI regarding President Biden. The allegation that Joe Biden extorted $5 million from the Ukrainian company Burisma for influence peddling has now been completely debunked.

Since there is now no evidence of any Biden corruption, House Republicans have resorted to attacking the FBI as corrupt in covering up so-called “Biden crimes.” FBI Director Chris Wray is a lifelong Republican, and there has never been a Democratic director in the long history of the FBI.

Since House Republicans don’t know how to govern, they must try to impeach the president to help Trump win the election and appease their rabid MAGA supporters.

Arthur Straus
Walnut Stream

California Daily Newspapers

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