Letters: Evading justice | Not antisemitic

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Rich republicans
once again escape justice

Two Republicans, Donald Trump and Ken Paxton, have demonstrated unequivocally that in the United States, if you have enough money, you can escape criminal prosecution and accountability for your actions.

Paxton, the attorney general of Texas, has once again managed to get out of legal trouble without so much as a slap. Trump, through delays, incessant calls and all manner of chicanery, has shown that a mocker can indeed prevail, escape prosecution and real accountability, deny any wrongdoing and remain the presidential candidate for millions. Americans.

John James

A cry for a free home
is not anti-Semitic

Subject: “Universities struggle to define anti-Semitism” (page A6, March 26).

Noah Feldman cites the phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine should be free” and questions whether it is anti-Semitic. I would expand it like this: “from the North Pole to the South Pole, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Palestine should be free.”

Why should anyone be imprisoned or murdered anywhere just because they were born “the other”? We should all be free everywhere. Criminals should be incarcerated, but being born “the other” is not a crime.

Calls for freedom cannot be considered anti-Semitic. Is the word “Israel” anti-Arab, anti-Christian or anti-Muslim?

Elizabeth Fisher
Pleasant hill

California Daily Newspapers

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