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Letters: Change unneeded | Don’t add confusion

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Oakland Airport does not do this
need a name change

I have read a lot about the renaming of Oakland International Airport in recent editions of the East Bay Times.

The fact is that we have three international airports not too far from each other, representing three cities in the Bay Area.

San Jose International Airport covers the South Bay, San Francisco International Airport is the hub for all domestic and international flights while Oakland International Airport is towards the East Bay, an ideal location for travelers from all corners of the Bay Area.

I think adding additional words such as East Bay or San Francisco Bay would hurt Oakland’s identity among travelers.

I maintain that Oakland remains Oakland.

Zafar Yousufzai

The name change is fine;
adding confusion is not

Subject: “Change of name in flight in adversity” (Page A1, April 14).

The Port of Oakland has the right idea but is trying to put the cart before the horse.

Rather than putting “San Francisco” first in the name, which could cause confusion and aggravation of the SFO, the port should simply rename it: Oakland International Airport, San Francisco Bay.

It’s true and it gets the message across without confusing passengers with SFO.

Édouard Chainey

It’s simple: Trump’s
lies break the law

Subject: “The parody is on trial against Trump” (page A8, April 14).

Let me help the Danville letter writer who thinks it’s okay to lie on financial statements, as Donald Trump was convicted of doing.

Fraud is unjustified or criminal deception intended to generate financial or personal gain. The fact that the banks accepted his fraudulent statements as fact does not make the fraud go away. It just means they were the target and should not have trusted the crook Donald Trump. He still committed a crime.

Kevin Allen

There must be a way
so that the A’s stay

The A’s should stay in Oakland.

California Daily Newspapers

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