
Lessons from Japan to fight obesity without Ozempic

2:48 p.m. Mon. May 13, 2024

Beeboys /

Japan has one of the lowest obesity rates in the world, at just 4.5%, compared to 42% in the United States. Write for Time, author Johann Hari set out to uncover how the country avoided the need for weight-loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy. He learned that the answer lies not in genetics, but in a unique food culture and societal approach to health. Japanese cuisine emphasizes simplicity, smaller portions, and highlighting the natural flavors of ingredients rather than relying on added fats and sauces. Schools employ nutritionists to design fresh, healthy meals and educate children about a balanced diet from a young age.

As Hari observed in a Tokyo school:

“There were no overweight children. None. My translator and I walked from class to class, asking the children what they preferred to eat. The first child I spoke to, a girl of 10 said, “I like green vegetables,” like broccoli. An 11-year-old boy told me he likes rice because “rice has protein.” every meal, you have a very strong body,” and he flexed his tiny biceps and laughed.

Japan’s “Metabo Law” also requires adults to measure their waist circumference every year, and those who exceed certain thresholds are subject to counseling. While such measures may seem intrusive to Western sensibilities, they have contributed to Japan’s low obesity rate.

Previously: Watch: The Economics of a Japanese Ramen Shop

News Source :
Gn Health

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