World News

Lauren Boebert’s election prospects suddenly look very bleak

Rep. Lauren Boebert’s re-election chances don’t look good, poll finds order by one of his Democratic opponents, Ike McCorkle.

Boébert chose do not run in Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, the seat she currently holds, to gain more favorable odds in a more conservative district after a very close victory in 2022. The district she chose, Colorado’s 4th, is believed to be the most reliably Republican district in the state and was recently vacated by the retiring party. Ken Buck.

But McCorkle, one of three Democrats vying for the seat and a former Marine, leads Boebert 41 percent to 27 percent in the poll, with 33 percent undecided. By contrast, Donald Trump leads Joe Biden 45 to 35 percent in the 4th District, with independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. getting 6 percent and 14 percent undecided.

Boebert’s mandate was not very successful since he was barely re-elected. She missed crucial votesin rivalry with a fellow far-right representative Marjorie Taylor Greenewas challenged by President Biden for celebrate a bill she opposed, and then there she is inappropriate behavior during a theatrical performance of Beetle juice, captured on video. Her re-election campaign didn’t go well either, as she bombarded during a debate with other candidates and is in trouble to convince Republican voters in his constituency. She lost the support of her current supporters, notably volunteers. Wherever she goes, Beetle juice the ruckus follows.

She tried to demonstrate her good faith to Trump, by showing up at bear it during his secret trial, but if the polls are correct, this does not appear to improve his chances of remaining in power. Not only does she need to win over Republicans and escape the June 25 primaries, but it appears even Democrats have a chance of defeating her.


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