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Laguna Beach High investigating AI-generated inappropriate photos of students – Orange County Register

Laguna Beach High School is investigating reports of inappropriate or nude photos of students created with artificial intelligence and distributed, and the Laguna Beach Police Department is assisting the school district.

Principal Jason Alleman sent a letter to parents on Monday, April 1 regarding the investigation into the photos: “These incidents can have a significant impact on the culture of our campus. …

“These actions not only compromise individual dignity, but also undermine the positive and supportive environment we wish to foster at LBHS,” Alleman said in the letter.

The photos could have been shared between students via text message, and parents were informed last week.

“We are required by law to keep student discipline matters confidential in order to protect the privacy and well-being of our students,” the Laguna Beach Unified School District said in a statement. “No matter what situation arises, the safety and security of our students is always our top priority.

“At the same time, it is our role as educators to guide students toward understanding the consequences of their actions, particularly in terms of their impact on their peers and the broader university community,” the statement said. “High school is a pivotal time for shaping students, giving us the opportunity to shape them into empathetic individuals who are attentive to the world around them. It is essential to maintain a careful balance between responsibility and empathy as we address and resolve critical issues.

California Daily Newspapers

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