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King Charles ‘not doing well’ as cancer rumors debunked

It’s official: Buckingham Palace has revealed that King Charles will return to royal duties, but is his health good enough to carry out major tasks? Media reports suggest the monarch is in more trouble than the general public is led to believe, but a royal expert says rumors of Charles being ill are false.

“There have been claims in some media that the king is not doing well in his battle with cancer. I think the announcements have come out of the palace and…the king’s imminent return to public office should put a strain on put an end to such nonsense, quite frankly,” said royal expert Katie Nicholl. Entertainment tonight.

The palace revealed that Charles plans to “resume public duties following a period of treatment and recovery following his recent cancer diagnosis.” Some of her upcoming events include welcoming the Emperor and Empress of Japan for a visit, attending Trooping the Color and Royal Ascot.


According to Nicholl, “all this indicates that the king is responding well to the treatment which he is following very, very well. My sources tell me that the king has responded very positively to his medical treatment, that his medical team is very satisfied. with his progress. I think the news we’re hearing from the palace really supports all of this, because he’s coming back to work.

Charles’ first engagement since attending the Easter church service will be a visit to a cancer treatment center next week alongside Queen Camilla.

“What I think we’re going to see now is the King really championing cancer awareness. He’s very aware of the incredible attention he can bring to important causes, something he’s done his whole life,” Nicholl added. “He is sending a very clear message by making his first visit as he returns to public-facing duties, a visit to a cancer treatment center.”


Although “doctors have been very impressed” with King and how he is handling cancer treatment, there remains some caution that his schedule of events has been “reduced” in order to accommodate his illness.

Charles is doing his best to keep his spirits up at the moment, but he has been frustrated by the last few months and is looking forward to working again. “My sources say that probably the most frustrating thing for the king in all of this was not being able to do the job that he wanted to do,” the royal expert explained. “He’s very, very relieved to be able to get this back.”


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