Kiki the pet cockatiel the latest TikTok star thanks to song skills

Bird is the word.

The hottest new star on TikTok is a singing cockatiel with killer pipes and a taste for the classics.

Kiki, known as @kiki.tiel on the popular social media site, where he has 3.6 million followers and counting, has gained widespread fame thanks to his special skills, shown in a series of videos – including a recent one that caught him playing. to “September” from Earth, Wind & Fire.

Robinson didn’t set out to teach his singing sidekick songs – however, when Kiki hears something he likes, he can’t stop singing. Grace Robinson / SWNS

Grace Robinson, 19, picked up the intelligent animal when he was just a little guy. She never tried to teach him songs, she told South West News Service – Kiki did it all on her own.

Feathered Frank Sinatra has been like a sponge from the very beginning, Robinson said: When he hears something he likes, he whistles it at you.

Kiki’s favorites seem to be the children’s song “If You’re Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands”, the classic iPhone ringtone, the wolf whistle (tsk, tsk) and the funk classic “September “.

A video of the diminutive music maker singing the 1970s hit attracted 11.4 million viewers in just a few weeks.

“He just picks things up. I didn’t teach him any of them,” Robinson, who lives in Norfolk, England, said.

Kiki the cockatiel singing popular tunes, including
A video of Kiki singing her favorite song Earth, Wind & Fire has gone viral on TikTok, racking up 11.4 million views in just a few weeks. Grace Robinson / SWNS

“He loves to sing in front of the mirror and if you show him your phone he will make the iPhone ring,” she said.

Robinson tries to encourage the little lover of songs to add to her already impressive repertoire – but she discovers that Kiki tends to learn at her own pace.

“I’m trying to teach him ‘Another Bites the Dust’ by Queen but he hasn’t understood yet,” she confessed.

“I think maybe he’s running out of storage in his little brain,” she joked.

New York Post

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