Kelly Ripa Gives Mark Consuelos The Silent Treatment Live After He Takes His Jokes Too Far

A silly on-air argument led to Kelly Ripa giving Mark Consuelos the silent treatment on the This Morning Show. Live with Kelly and Mark.

On the topic of “sending long voice memos,” Consuelos recalled a time when he saw Ripa engage in a conversation via voice memos with her friend Elsa that “lasted about half an hour.”

“And I said, ‘Call her,’” he joked.

Ripa then fired back at her husband, teasing him: “Oh? Is there something irritating about a conversation on speakerphone that suddenly bothers you?

After Consuelos reiterated that they could have just made a phone call, Ripa clarified that her friend was “driving.”

“So I think she was recording from her speaker in her car,” she explained.

Consuelos continued her thrusts, impassive, “Because it’s easier than just calling.”

“Remind me to show you some videos I shot of Mark,” she shared, “because Mark can only have conversations with his Italian soccer team ON A SPEAKER PHONE!”

Consuelos replied, “I thought you liked Italian.” I thought you liked it when I spoke Italian.

While Ripa confirmed that she “loves” hearing from her husband and co-host, she noted that he’s not the one doing the talking on such calls.

Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos on
Photo: ABC

“I listen to the press conferences,” she continued. “It’s so funny that someone would be so upset about two voice memos going back and forth – the voice memo and me responding to it, because there are two, to be clear. “Hey blah blah blah, what are you doing?” “Nothing much, I’ll call you later.” All right? It is -“

Consuelos chimed in: “I wish that was it.”

As he said he was “not upset” and began pointing out “a difference between men and women,” Ripa teased, “We’re going to get the tape rolling!”

Consuelos continued: “The difference between men and women…I wasn’t upset, I just found it strange. For example, when husbands find something weird, it doesn’t mean they are upset. They just think you’re weird. Particular. Particular.”

That explanation wasn’t enough for Ripa, who told viewers, “Tune in for weird things.” You can go to my Instagram stories and watch Mark listening on speakerphone, at dinner time, at a meeting, and then every once in a while he’ll chime in and say, “Hey, hey, yes!” »

Consuelos teased that he was “comfortable with being quiet sometimes,” which apparently took things too far, as Ripa later chose to stay mum. Amid laughter, Consuelos asked, “Oh, will you shut up now?”

Ripa joked, “As the song says, ‘Enjoy the silence.'”

However, she really meant it, as Consuelos was hilariously left alone to discuss her next topic – “a gathering of Kyles in Texas” that failed to break the Guinness World Record.

Eventually, Live EP Michael Gelman chimed in to suggest they try to break the record with Kellys or Marks during the show’s annual “Guinness Week.”

When asked for her opinion, Ripa simply smiled, gave two thumbs up and nodded. It was only after Gelman asked if he was also “getting the silent treatment” that she broke it off.

“Let me unmute.” I think it’s a great idea,” she finally said.

Consuelos couldn’t help but joke again at Ripa’s expense.

“Look, if I had to continue this thing, like an idiot, I would say something like this,” he said. “But I’m not an idiot, so I’m not going to say it. But if I were an idiot, I’d say, “Please show me where that mute button is!” » I would never say that, because that would be stupid!

Ripa replied, “You found it!”

Live with Kelly and Mark is broadcast weekdays. Check their website for your local listings.

New York Post

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