
Kate Middleton has a small circle of trust amid cancer

Before her cancer news, conspiracy theories were circulating about Kate Middleton’s health and well-being and the reason behind the photoshopped photos of the royal family. So it’s no wonder she’s staying out of the spotlight and relying on a small circle of friends and family during this time. . Royal insiders have revealed that the Princess of Wales currently has a “small” circle of trust as she recovers from cancer and preventative chemotherapy and maintains her distance from the public.

“The circle of trust is tiny,” a source told The Daily Beast’s Tom Sykes, adding that her parents and siblings have supported her through it all. “She was surrounded by Carole and Michael, and Pippa and James were obviously there for her too. They form an incredibly close-knit family and Catherine feels absolutely confident in being able to count on them. They have been there for her for decades and never let her down.

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The last time Kate attended a royal event was Christmas 2023. She shared that she had scheduled abdominal surgery in January 2024 and had been stepping away from royal duties ever since, requesting time off , space and privacy to heal.

Parents at Lambrook School, where Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis attend classes, told The Daily Beast that although Kate and her husband, Prince William, have not attended sporting events or at other school activities, they failed their children. and maintain a “low profile”.

“There have been rumors that she made a deposit, but I haven’t seen her since the video,” they added. “We all feel very protective of her. Ask anyone at school: they are amazing parents.

Jonathan Brady – Swimming Pool/Getty Images

Kensington Palace and the royal family have not shared a timetable for Kate’s return to her regular duties. A source said ALL RIGHT!“Even though no one is pushing Kate to do anything other than recover, she still feels a lot of pressure to return to her duties and be even more perfect than before. She takes time to heal, but taking care of her children, being a good wife for William and his responsibility in his work weighs heavily on Kate.

Insiders also note that Kate feels slightly guilty about not being out and about while King Charles is back with a busy schedule amid his recovery.

“Kate feels guilty that Charles, who is also battling cancer, is doing his part,” ALL RIGHT!» the sources continued. “The princess is still undergoing grueling treatment” and “she does not want to delay her return to royal work even further.” They ended by saying that Kate feels the need to “get back into the swing of things.” ” as soon as possible.


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