
Kate Beckinsale hits back at claims she’s ‘too thin’ amid recent health crises: ‘I’m trying to survive’

Kate Beckinsale hits back at claims she’s “too thin” amid recent health scares in the comments of her latest Instagram video on Sunday.

The 50-year-old – who revealed her methods for warming up as an actress – fought back by sporting various retro-style outfits and hairstyles in her caravan.

Some fans questioned the Stolen Girl star’s health, writing: “Sorry to say this Kate, but you look a little thin. You’ve always had a good balance… But when your cheekbones start to show, balance is lost.

Another major comment wrote: “Please eat something. I love you, I’m very worried about your skinny look.’

Fans were worried for the blonde beauty as she recently posted photos of herself in hospital looking fragile.

Kate Beckinsale is hitting back at claims she's

Kate Beckinsale is hitting back at claims she’s “too thin” amid a recent health crisis in the comments of her latest Instagram video on Sunday.

Fans were worried for the blonde beauty as she recently posted photos of herself in hospital looking fragile.

Fans were worried for the blonde beauty as she recently posted photos of herself in hospital looking fragile.

Some fans questioned the Stolen Girl star's health, writing:

Some fans questioned the Stolen Girl star’s health, writing: “Sorry to say this Kate, but you look a little thin.”

A comment added:

One comment added: “Strike a pose…and have fun.” You’re super slim… are you losing weight?

“I was really sad.  I saw my second father die.  It made me sick.  Sorry, you find me less attractive.  I did not care

“I was really sad. I saw my second father die. It made me sick. Sorry, you find me less attractive. I did not care

The 50-year-old ¿ who revealed her methods for warming up as an actress ¿ defended herself by sporting various retro-style outfits and hairstyles in her trailer

The 50-year-old – who revealed her methods for warming up as an actress – defended herself by sporting various retro-style outfits and hairstyles in her trailer.

‘Kate! I think you lost too much weight! You look great as usual, but please gain weight! ‘ another writing.

One of the top comments added: “Strike a pose…and have fun.” You’re super thin… are you losing weight?

‘What happened to you? You used to be beautiful,” one of them said, prompting the starlet to react:

“I was really sad. I saw my second father die. It made me sick. Sorry, you find me less attractive. I did not care.’

Underworld star Beckinsale continued to clap back, writing: “I looked after my (stepfather) until he died earlier this year.

“My mother also has things to do. I’m getting used to seeing two fathers die, one when I was 5, the other in January of this year,” she added.

Earlier this year she lost her stepfather Roy Battersby after a brief illness.

It was also Beckinsale who found the body of her biological father, Richard, who died of a heart attack when she was young.

“I lost my soul mate cat of almost 19 years, also last year. “I spent six weeks in the hospital because of vomiting profusely with blood from a (Mallory-Weiss tear) caused by the stress of an entire year tearing a hole between my (esophagus) and my stomach.” she shared.

She also added that she “suffered a severe flare-up of (her) mast cell disease,” which is “mitigated by stress, shock, and grief.”

“My mother also has things to do.  I'm getting used to seeing two fathers die, one when I was 5, the other in January of this year

“My mother also has things to do. I’m getting used to seeing two fathers die, one when I was 5, the other in January of this year,” she added.

She also added that she

She also added that she “suffered a severe flare-up of (her) mast cell disease,” which is “mitigated by stress, shock, and grief.”

The Van Helsing actress called out one particular fan who felt it was necessary

The Van Helsing actress called out one fan in particular who felt women should be “bullied about their appearance.”

The starlet continued to defend herself: “This is what I’m willing to reveal that contributed to some weight loss.”

“What you think about how I look and what I should look like, regardless of any circumstances in my life and that of my family, doesn’t matter.

“I’m trying to survive what seems like unbearable losses, post-traumatic stress disorder reactivated after discovering the near-dead corpse of my very young father as a very young child, alone in the night, and working to support the family I have left,” she said.

The Van Helsing actress called out one fan in particular who felt women should be “bullied about their appearance.”

“The fact that you like girls heavier than me doesn’t figure in the important or relevant stuff,

“I don’t care about your taste in women. I care that you think every one of us needs to know about this… Do better,” she said.

Kate then hit back at another commenter who urged her to gain weight, who told her: “Please eat something. “I love you, I’m very worried about your skinny look.

“Enough,” she replied.

“I don’t care about your taste in women.  I care that you think every one of us needs to know about this.  Do better

“I don’t care about your taste in women. I care that you think every one of us needs to know about this… Do better,” she said.

She responded to fans who resonated with the loss of her two father figures

She responded to fans who resonated with the loss of her two father figures

The starlet showed off her body in various silly poses during the music video

The starlet showed off her body in various silly poses during the music video

One fan questioned his health, writing:

One fan questioned his health, writing: “Are you sick?”

One commenter wrote: “She is ALLOWED to cry.  Allowed not to eat or gorge.  And honestly, I applaud this brave woman for getting out of bed, working, laughing, dancing, and pushing herself to do it.

One commenter wrote: “She is ALLOWED to cry. Allowed not to eat or gorge. And honestly, I applaud this brave woman for getting out of bed, working, laughing, dancing, and pushing herself to do it.

Some fans defended Kate, saying: “@Everyone!!! You need to stop commenting on people’s weight, appearance and lifestyle choices, for goodness sake. Just because celebrities have 500+ followers doesn’t mean you have the green light to provide unnecessary comments!!’

Another recounted her losses and added: “I know what it’s like to feel grief having a lot of very close family members, including 2 brothers. I’m glad you’re feeling a little better and having fun. Enjoy the good days because the hard ones can drown you.

One commenter wrote: “She is ALLOWED to cry. Allowed not to eat or gorge. And honestly, I APPRECIATE this brave woman for getting out of bed, working, laughing, dancing, and pushing herself to do it.

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