Kamala caps off already disastrous week by bashing Gold Star families

Outgoing Vice President Kamala Harris capped off what was already a terrible week with a desperate plague destroying 13 Gold Star families that then exploded spectacularly in her stupid, incompetent face.

Let’s first start by reviewing the last seven days.

As I said last week, Kamala Harris is running a terrible presidential campaign. After six weeks of the best any presidential candidate has ever had, six weeks filled with billions and billions of dollars of propaganda and support from the free corporate media, it all came crashing down at the Democratic National Convention.

No twists and turns after the convention

In a country gripped by the cruelty of record inflation, two horrific wars abroad, an explosion of violent crime, and a wide-open southern border pouring Third World horrors into once-idyllic places like Aurora, Colorado, America was looking for answers, for a vision, for a sense of where the next president would go. Instead, Kamala delivered policy-free gibberish, empty rhetoric, a Trump hate campaign, and happy talk. The result…

Lots of spooging from gerbils like CNN’s Jake Tapper, but no post-convention polling bounce.

According to the RealClearPolitics national poll, on the last day of her convention, Kamala had a 1.7 percent national lead over former President Trump. Today, her lead is 1.8 percentage points. On the same day, during her losing campaign, Hillary Clinton had a 4.9-point lead.

Barring something unforeseen, which is always possible, Kamala has reached her peak, her peak is a statistical tie, and the polls still underestimate Trump’s strength.

She loses the debate she started

The rules for next week’s presidential debate between Harris and Trump were all set and agreed upon. Then, for some stupid reason, Kamala went on a bizarre week-long whining spree to change the rules. Not only did she look weak, she lost a fight she started, and it made her look like what she is: incompetent.

McDonald’s Gate

Much of Kamala’s drive to create a myth around her political rise has rested on the repeated claim that she worked at McDonald’s while in college. It has become a central part of her biography. It was at the forefront of a recent campaign ad.

So far, however, no reports have been able to validate his employment at McDonald’s.

So far, the Harris campaign has not provided any details that might verify this claim.

I am only a year younger than Kamala. In 1982, I worked at a McDonald’s in Delafield, Wisconsin for a few months (for the record, I was their worst employee, and I look back on those months with shame). See how easy it is?

If Kamala lied, the media can’t get her out of it like they did with the courage stolen from Tim Walz. Either she lied or she didn’t.

This disastrous CNNLOL interview

Kamala had six weeks to prepare, she was groomed by Obama’s A-team, she had a sycophantic interviewer in CNN’s awful Dana Bash, she had a sycophantic TV network willing to do anything to make her look good, and… Kamala still blew it.

Incredibly, she had no answers for what she would do as president on her first day. She had no answers for her alleged about-faces on the radical ideas she has championed for two decades. She looked diminished, insecure, and, most of all, unpresidential. The optics of the interview, her warehouse-like demeanor, were bad enough, but Kamala looked like a little girl finally allowed to sit at the grown-up table. Her decision to bring running mate Tim “Stolen Valor” Walz along made her look especially weak. Then…

Three times, advocates of open borders, banning private insurance, defunding the police, free health care for illegal immigrants, banning fracking, and San Francisco foolishly told the world, “My values ​​have not changed.” Within hours, the now-all-out Trump campaign used that statement to launch one devastating meme after another.

Those stupid words will haunt her until November.

Above all, Kamala has played into the Trump campaign’s narrative that she cannot handle the pressure to go off-script.

And then, on Saturday afternoon, it was the grand finale…

Kamala Destroys 13 Gold Star Families

Kamala’s incredibly stupid and cruel tweet Saturday afternoon accusing 13 Gold Star families of agreeing to serve as props so Trump could politicize their loved ones’ deaths was undeniably the act of a desperate campaign, panicked by internal poll numbers and hoping to change the narrative on Sunday’s broadcasts away from her disastrous CNN interview.

In the history of unprovoked presidential campaign mistakes, this one is a real headache…

This tweet is an act of a drowning campaign in search of some kind of lifeline.

Kamala bragged about being the “last one in the room” when the disastrous decision was made to hand Afghanistan over to the terrorists before all of our citizens and billions of dollars in weapons were removed. That’s why those 13 men and women died.

Worse yet, according to these 13 families, neither Biden nor Kamala ever reached out to them, not even to offer their condolences. We all know why. These 13 heroes died needlessly because of Biden and Kamala’s terrible judgment and now Kamala wants their embarrassing memory forgotten, erased and dismissed. Naturally, the cowardly corporate media did everything they could to aid and abet this moral crime, but…

President Trump has been there for them every step of the way. And… They invited him to share their anniversary visit to Arlington. They requested that this solemn moment be photographed as a tribute. They They also say they invited Biden and Harris to attend Arlington and never even received a response.

Yet one Saturday afternoon, after what appeared to be a reckless truce between the 13 families and the Harris campaign, a desperate Kamala watched her poll numbers slip and broke the truce by smearing these families with the false claim that they had visited Arlington as part of a political stunt.

The families quickly and judiciously fought back with the kind of raw intensity that hits voters where they live.

Here’s a little taste…

As we have seen over the decades, American voters are willing to forgive almost anything in a presidential candidate: lies, infidelities, scandals, mistakes… What they will not tolerate is incompetence.

Denigrating Gold Star families is immoral, but it is also extremely incompetent.

John Nolte’s first and final novel, Borrowed time, is winning five star raves daily readers. You can read an excerpt here and a thorough examination here. Also available in hard cover and on To light up And Audiobook.

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