Judge releases questionnaire for jury selection process in secret Trump trial

As Donald Trump’s lawyers tried Monday afternoon to convince an appeals judge that fair jury selection could not take place in a Manhattan courtroom, the judge overseeing the former President Judge Juan Merchan released the questionnaire he plans to use to oversee jury selection. for the trial, which is scheduled to begin April 15.

Prosecution jurors will be asked if they have ever attended one of Trump’s rallies, belong to groups like the Proud Boys or Antifa, or volunteered with a political entity associated with the former president.

“Do you have strong opinions or strongly held beliefs on whether a former president can be criminally charged in state court?” a question asks. “Do you have any feelings about the way Mr. Trump is being treated in this matter?”

Other questions ask whether prosecution jurors have read Trump books, can set aside past knowledge of the case or have opinions about legal limits on political contributions.

Former President Donald Trump speaks to guests during a rally April 2, 2024 in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Scott Olson/Getty Images

“Do you have any strong opinions or strongly held beliefs about former President Donald Trump or his current presidential candidate that could (interfere) with your ability to be a fair or impartial juror? ” another question asked.

Jurors will also be asked standard preliminary questions, including about their marital status, employment status, hobbies, criminal history and potential scheduling conflicts. Judge Juan Merchan, borrowing from an approach taken for the Trump Organization criminal trial, opted to excuse any jurors who identify as unfair or biased.

“This Court finds, after careful consideration of the circumstances of this case, that it is not necessary to require an individual investigation of each potential juror who has already stated that he or she cannot be fair and impartial, or which it is otherwise incapable of serving, -consumptive and without benefit,” Merchan wrote.

Merchan also included the summary he plans to read to potential jurors next week, offering them a preview of the months-long trial.

“In substance, the allegations allege that Donald Trump falsified business records to conceal an agreement with others to illegally influence the 2016 election. Specifically, it is alleged that Donald Trump created or used false business records to conceal the true nature of the payments made to Michael Cohen, characterizing them as payment for legal services rendered pursuant to a representation contract. People claim that in fact the payments were intended to reimburse Michael Cohen for money he paid to Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, in the weeks leading up to the presidential election, in order to prevent publicly revealing details of a past sexual relationship with Donald. Asset. Donald Trump has pleaded not guilty and denies the allegations,” the summary states.

ABC News

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