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Judge blocks demolition of groundbreaking art installation in Iowa

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — A federal judge has temporarily blocked plans to remove a nationally known outdoor artwork that lines a pond in a Des Moines city park. The New York artist who created the work is likely to succeed in his argument that destroying the work would violate his contract with a local art center.

U.S. District Court Judge Stephen Locher ordered the temporary restraining order Monday afternoon after hearing arguments earlier in the day about the Des Moines Art Center’s plans to remove the artwork , called Greenwood Pond: Double Site. The center had planned to begin a roughly three-month process this week to empty the pond and remove the artwork.

Art center officials say the work, completed in 1996, has deteriorated beyond repair and now poses a danger to park visitors. The artwork offers different perspectives of Greenwood Pond, including wooden decks above the water and walkways that allow people to view the water and wetlands at eye level and from up.

The work is considered one of the highlights of land artist Mary Miss. Other artists and arts organizations across the country have expressed outrage at the plan to remove the installation rather than try to raise money for repairs.

Miss argued that the art center failed to keep her informed about the work she created and that it violated a contract requiring that wood, concrete and metal artworks be maintained and not be removed without permission.

“I am pleased and relieved by Judge Locher’s decision, not only for what it has done for Greenwood Pond: Double Site, but also because it reaffirms the rights of all artists and the integrity of their legacies” , Miss said in a statement. “Let’s take advantage of this opportunity to achieve a result that we can all be proud of. »

Art center officials, who estimated that repairing the artwork would cost $2.6 million, said public safety was their primary concern, but that they would respect the pause ordered by the court. Much of the artwork is now surrounded by a fence.

“We respect the court’s decision and will suspend our plans to remove the artwork from Greenwood Park,” the art center said in a statement. “Sections declared dangerous and unrecoverable will remain enclosed in protective fences.

The judge will schedule a hearing later for Miss’ request for a preliminary injunction to keep the demolition plans delayed while the contract dispute is considered by the courts.


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