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Judge Approves Liquidation of Alex Jones’ Personal Assets to Pay Families of Sandy Hook Victims


A Texas bankruptcy court judge has approved the liquidation of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ personal assets, paving the way for restitution for the families of Sandy Hook shooting victims.

Last week, Jones agreed to convert his personal bankruptcy to Chapter 7 liquidation. Judge Christopher Lopez accepted the decision on Friday.

Jones’ decision to file for bankruptcy protection comes after he agreed to demands from the families of Sandy Hook victims, who are owed more than $1 billion in damages caused by his lies on the 2012 school massacre.

The judge said an interim trustee would be appointed to oversee Jones’ estate, as is standard in these cases. Jones’ attorney, Vickie Driver, told the court that $2.8 million from the sale of Jones’ ranch could be sent to the trustee.

The seismic move sets the stage for Jones’ abandonment of Infowars, the influential conspiracy empire he founded in the late 1990s. Over the years, Jones has used the media company to poison public discourse with lies and conspiracy theories, and he also got rich, making millions of dollars in the process.

Judge Lopez on Friday will consider liquidating Jones’ Free Speech Systems, the parent company of Infowars, to pay judgments to the Sandy Hook families.

Jones had opposed the liquidation of Infowars, and in recent days he has spoken out on his show about what could be its imminent closure, urging his audience to buy his products to support him.

Echoing remarks he used to drum up support, Jones said Friday that his popular media property would likely disappear amid the ongoing bankruptcy case.

“It’s probably the end of Infowars here very, very soon,” Jones told reporters just before he entered Houston bankruptcy court Friday, but added: “It’s just the beginning of my fight against tyranny.

Whether the judge ultimately liquidates InfoWars or not, the proceeds from the company’s sale will be only a fraction of what he owes the families of the Sandy Hook victims. Yet the families, who have not received payment of the nearly $1.5 billion in judgments they won, have pushed for the liquidation of InfoWars, alongside Free Speech Systems, the parent company of InfoWars. ‘Infowars.

The families argued in court that there was “no chance” that Jones’ company could produce a proper reorganization plan in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which would allow the company to remain operational throughout its restructuring.

Although the trustee could choose to sell the entire company to a potential buyer, lawyers representing the Sandy Hook families expect Jones’ Infowars empire to be sold piece by piece, with the profits going to their clients. This would make it unlikely – but not impossible – that InfoWars could continue to operate, even in the event of liquidation.

The Infowars shutdown process could happen quickly. A court-appointed trustee would be responsible for securing the assets and then selling Jones’ media empire, including the website, studio space and broadcast equipment.

Nothing in the judge’s ruling Friday would stop Jones from spreading conspiracy theories and lies online. X CEO Elon Musk restored Jones’ social media account in December 2023 after a five-year ban from the platform. And Jones could go to many far-right media outlets to share his outlandish opinions.

But the Sandy Hook families hope to seize Jones’ social media accounts, arguing they are a key part of his InfoWars business that allows Jones to promote his brand. And Jones may not be welcome at some venues: He had been listed as a guest on the Milwaukee stop on Tucker Carlson’s live tour, but was recently dropped from the lineup without explanation.

Lies and conspiracy theories

Since founding Infowars in the late 1990s, Jones has promoted several conspiracy theories, including the lie that the 2012 Newtown, Conn., school mass shooting was a so-called “false flag” operation. » organized by the government and according to which the grieving family members of the 20 child victims were “actors”. Jones makes money from these conspiracy theories by selling expensive dietary supplements to his audience.

The mood Friday on Jones’ Infowars was grim, with hosts of the far-right media outlet speculating about his future. Chase Geiser, an Infowars host who drove with Jones to the courthouse where the bankruptcy hearing was taking place, made a brief appearance on the site, attempting to misrepresent the judge’s decision by making it appear that it would allow Jones to attract an even wider audience.

Jones’ regular program was replaced with previously recorded interviews, airing conversations with Tucker Carlson and Russell Brand.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

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