
Jon Stewart walks away laughing in the middle of an interview with Bill O’Reilly

Jon Stewart couldn’t hold back during his “Daily Show” interview with former political commentator and Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly. Toward the end of the nearly 13-minute exchange between the two men, Stewart got up from his desk laughing and literally walked away from the other man.

The interview started off controversial, but Stewart’s big departure came only when O’Reilly claimed that if Donald Trump had not denied the results of the 2020 presidency and “did this” on January 6, “he would be ahead of Biden by 25% in the polls.” “That’s how bad Biden has been for the country,” O’Reilly said.

“Well, I don’t agree with that,” Stewart replied.

“Of course!” O’Reilly retorted. He then pulled out his “proof” for the 25% figure. Reading from a sheet of paper, O’Reilly said that under Biden, food prices have increased by 20%, gasoline prices by 38%, mortgage rates by 160%, drug overdoses by 36%, and car insurance by 125%.

“These are people. They have to spend this money,” O’Reilly said.

Stewart then brought up his own numbers, citing the fact that America and the world have been hit by the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and that Trump has run an $8 trillion deficit and spent $1.7 trillion on tax cuts.

“Look at it in relation to the world,” Stewart retorted. “I respectfully say yes, inflation is too high and it’s hurting American consumers. But what did Biden do to create that?”

“I don’t know,” O’Reilly said. “And that’s what I would ask.”

That “I don’t know” proved too much for Stewart, who burst out laughing and literally walked away from his desk. After a quick spin, he returned to the table, much to the chagrin of O’Reilly and the delight of his studio audience.

“So you basically wrote it on a piece of paper but you didn’t look it up?” Stewart asked. “We’re going to need two days of podcasting.” Stewart and O’Reilly’s interview will continue on an upcoming episode of Stewart’s podcast, “The Weekly Show.”

Jon Stewart walks away laughing in the middle of an interview with Bill O’Reilly

Towards the beginning of the interview, O’Reilly didn’t hesitate to discuss his controversial history with the “Daily Show” host.

“We’re able to disagree without hating each other. I really hate it, but I don’t show it,” O’Reilly said, explaining the changing discourse between Republicans and Democrats.

“You’re holding it very well,” Stewart replied.

O’Reilly then continued to use his relationship with Stewart to make his point. “That kind of détente where two people see life differently doesn’t get rewarded. The haters get the big prize,” O’Reilly said.

Jon Stewart's Daily Show Returns

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News Source : www.thewrap.com

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