
Jon Stewart Rips ‘Fox & Friends’ and Biden’s Weird Smile

Tonight was the first time Jon Stewart returned to The daily show since Donald Trump was convicted on 34 counts, and the host attacked the media, Trump and President Joe Biden.

Stewart criticized Fox News’ Laura Ingraham for calling the justice system a “banana republic.”

The comedian then called out South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott for claiming on CNN that the justice system is “hunting Republicans while protecting Democrats” on the same day Hunter Biden was selected by a jury for federal charges related to firearms.

He joked that the hosts of Fox and friends “used pillows to cover their erections” at this news.

After that show’s correspondents failed to correct Trump for saying he never said “lock her up” about former presidential opponent Hillary Clinton, Stewart angered them, referring to the recent $747 million settlement from Fox News over repeated false election claims.

“And this, ladies and gentlemen, as I put it to you, is why we need courts,” he explained. “Whatever the flaws of the American justice system – and they are legion, especially for non-billionaire former presidents – it seems to be the last place in America where you can’t say what you want, whatever the problem is.

Speaking of altered realities, earlier in the show, Stewart recapped Biden’s “Cheshire Cat press conference callback,” in which a reporter asked him for his response to the Trump verdict, and Biden responded only with a smile over his shoulder as he walked out of the room.

“Why does everything have to be so weird?” Why?” asked Stewart. “If you have something to say, say it. If you don’t have anything to say, don’t say it. But you’re just going to stop and hit them with some kind of stop based on a sitcom from the 70s?

Stewart then played the clip again, set to a retro TV intro tune with the credits “And President Biden as ‘Colonel Butters'”.

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News Source : deadline.com

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