
John Oliver calls Windows95man his Eurovision champion

John Oliver took the opening act Last week tonight to talk about the Eurovision Song Contest and highlighted the Finnish band known as Windows95man.

The HBO late-night host said the Finnish contestant was his “absolute favorite,” who appeared on stage singing “No Rules!” written by Henri Piispanen, Jussi Roine and Teemu Keisteri.

Windows95man was seen on stage emerging from an egg-shaped enclosure wrapped in denim while wearing only a crop top and a Windows95 cap.

“Yes! Fourteen thousand out of ten,” Oliver said after a clip of Windows95man’s performance.

He continued: “A man with flowing blond locks and perverted glasses, hatched from an egg in jeans? It’s like Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus, but this time it’s really good.

Windows95man performed without shorts, and as he walked around the stage, he was strategically covered. His jean shorts finally emerge from above and a show of sparks flies as he twirls.

Oliver said Windows95man’s performance was a “piece of Austin Powers extended.” The comedian mentioned that the artist was ranked last by the judges but it was the public who voted with such a large majority that he ended up winning.

“The Finns are good at ski jumping, sauna and know a fucking star when they see one,” Oliver added.

He finished by saying: “F*** all other music, it’s dead to me now. I don’t know if he won Eurovision or not, but to quote a great poet… “I don’t care what’s wrong or right, it’s the way I live my life”, and that’s there my champion.

Switzerland won Eurovision, which took place in Malmö, Sweden. Nemo won with 591 points for his song “The Code” and beat Croatia, which took second place, and Ukraine, which took third.

Watch Window95man’s performance in the video below.

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News Source : deadline.com

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