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John Legend and “Wild Kingdom” TV Host Rae Wynn-Grant discuss her new memoir published by Legend’s imprint

John Legend, known for his Grammy Award-winning music career and social activism, is taking steps to highlight diverse voices through his publishing company, Get Lifted Books. Its latest release is “Wild Life: Finding My Purpose in an Untamed World,” a memoir by wildlife ecologist Rae Wynn-Grant.

The book traces her remarkable 20-year journey, her experiences in the field and the obstacles she overcame in a profession where she often feels marginalized.

From a young age, Wynn-Grant was captivated by wildlife and dreamed of hosting her own nature show, a vision that seemed unattainable due to the lack of representation in the field.

“You know, older white men wandering through jungles and savannahs, pointing out wildlife and talking about protecting them. I was captivated by that and wanted to do it too. But that wasn’t like any woman, let alone “A person of color seemed allowed in that space,” Wynn-Grant said.

Legend said Get Lifted Books’ goal was to introduce new audiences to unique stories like that of Wynn-Grant, whose book opens with her face-to-face encounter with a wild black bear.

Legend said he started Get Lifted Books because “we really wanted to lift up great authors, people with interesting voices, interesting stories.”

“We heard about Rae and that she was going to create this memoir. There was a bidding war. A lot of people wanted to work with her. We really showed our passion for it, we wanted to help her to get it. story around the world.”

The memoir goes beyond professional accomplishments, offering readers insight into Wynn-Grant’s personal life, including her thoughts on relationships, motherhood, and the difficult choices between a stable life and a life of adventure.

“I thought my wildest adventures were behind me,” Wynn-Grant said. “So, when I was presented with the idea of ​​a memoir, I said to myself, ‘You know what, this is good timing.’ Because, you know, I’m a mom now. I probably won’t be doing all these amazing things in nature for much longer. I was wrong, because I’m still there.


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