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World News

Joe Biden mocks Rep. Lauren Boebert with two-word message from ‘Dark Brandon’

President Joe Biden revealed his “Dark Brandon” alter ego by cracking a quick joke at the expense of Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), who has been one of his biggest critics in Congress.

Jordy Meiselas of the progressive media outlet MeidasTouch Network pointed out to Biden that Boebert abandoned his constituents to run for another seat shortly after the president visited his district last year.

“Is this a coincidence or Dark Brandon at work?” Meiselas asked Biden in Pittsburgh last week.

“It’s classified,” Biden said with a laugh.

Boebert held what was previously considered a safe Republican seat and was widely expected to be re-elected in 2022. FiveThirtyEight expected her to win by nearly 14 percentage points.

But voters in her district appeared to have grown tired of her far-right antics, and she ended up defeating her Democratic challenger Adam Frisch by just 0.16 points.

Rather than face a rematch against Frisch, Boebert gave up his current district to run in what should be an even safer district. In a bizarre interview in January, she blamed actors Barbra Streisand and Ryan Reynolds for forcing her to make the move.

However, early indications suggest she may also struggle in this new neighborhood. She finished fifth in a random poll earlier this year.

She’s also grappled with personal scandals — including salacious headlines after she was kicked out of a performance of the musical “Beetlejuice” due to inappropriate behavior — and family problems, such as arrest of his adult son for various trespassing and theft charges earlier this year. .


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