
Jimmy Kimmel’s 7-year-old son Billy undergoes third open-heart surgery

Jimmy Kimmel gives news of his son Billy Kimmel.

Over Memorial Day weekend, the late-night host and his wife Molly McNearneyThe 7-year-old underwent his third and hopefully final open heart surgery.

“We approached this experience with a lot of optimism,” Jimmy wrote on Instagram on May 27 alongside a photo of Billy in the hospital, “and almost as much fear and we came out with a new valve at a happy and healthy child.”

After thanking the staff at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Jimmy, who also shares his daughter Jane9 years old, with Molly, as well as children Katie32, and Kevin30 years old, with ex Gina Kimmel– think more about his experience.

“Walking through this hospital,” he continued, “meeting parents in their most vulnerable state, children in pain and miracle workers doing everything in their power to save them is an experience humiliating.”

“Thank you to these loving strangers who took the time to pray for our baby and send him positive energy,” Jimmy added, “thank you to our family and friends for rallying behind us to an almost ridiculous extent , thanks to my wife Molly for being stronger than any mom is reasonable to be and Billy, you are the toughest (and funniest) 7 year old we have knowledge.


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