
Jimmy Kimmel: ‘Imagine being proud to attend your father’s porn star trial’ | Late Night TV Roundup

Late Night TV Roundup

The late-night host discussed the end of the ex-president’s secret trial and also spoke about his sons’ public support

Custodian staff

Thu May 30, 2024 3:12 p.m. EDT

Jimmy Kimmel took aim at Donald Trump and the end of his secret trial during last night’s edition of his late-night show.

On Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the host discussed the former president’s trial in New York, where he faces multiple charges, and which is coming to a close with jury deliberations. Trump must stay at the courthouse to “stand there for hours farting next to the vending machine.”

Kimmel continued: “Trump is hoping for a hung jury. Of course, he also hoped for a hanged Mike Pence, but that didn’t happen.”

He said the Trump camp has called the trial corrupt, knowing he “has no chance of being acquitted because he did it.”

Footage of Trump shows him calling the trial a disgrace and saying that not even Mother Teresa could free herself from the accusations. “Even if Mother Theresa had slept with a porn star herself and paid her after a round of golf, she would have a hard time getting by,” Kimmel said.

He later joked that her death was “due to the corrupt New York Attorney General.”

Trump called the trial “BORING!” ” on Truth Social, “as if they were supposed to entertain him.”

He was also “conveniently confused about standard courtroom procedure” as he claimed the prosecution’s giving the final closing statement was a sign of favoritism. Kimmel said “you don’t have to be a lawyer to know” that this is how every trial ends.

He said you only need to watch the “last 10 minutes of any episode of Law & Order” to understand it.

Kimmel joked that his wife Melania was not present at the trial because “it’s too hard for her to keep a straight face,” and yet his two older sons were present.

After Robert De Niro appeared this week to criticize Trump, Donald Trump Jr gave a speech lambasting Democrats, denouncing just one actor in attendance compared to the many who previously supported Biden.

“Your father also had an actor at the trial and that actor was Joe Piscopo,” Kimmel responded.

A bizarre speech from Eric Trump also claimed they would win because they are “all white,” to which Kimmel joked, “Some of you are white, one of you is orange.” »

He also said he was proud to be there and proud of his father’s resilience. “Imagine being proud to attend your father’s porn star trial,” he said.

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News Source : amp.theguardian.com

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