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Jill Biden calls Trump a ‘tyrant’ ‘dangerous’ to LGBTQ people

WASHINGTON– WASHINGTON (AP) — Jill Biden rallied LGBTQ voters for President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign Friday, calling likely rival Donald Trump a “tyrant” who is “dangerous” to their community and urging her members to “fight like hell ” to stay. the Republican to defeat her husband in November.

She said outside forces were working to destroy the community’s “hard-won gains” by removing rights and freedoms and states were passing laws “targeting this community.” She encouraged members to dedicate every day until the Nov. 5 election to working to build support for the Democratic ticket of Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Voters in this demographic overwhelmingly supported Biden in 2020. The president, who is struggling with low public approval ratings as well as weakening support among other key groups who supported him in 2020, needs the support of the LGBTQ community.

“Donald Trump is a tyrant. He is dangerous to the LGBTQ community, to our families, to our country, and we cannot let him win,” the first lady said at the event hosted by the Human Rights Campaign, a leading civil rights organization. lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people.

“We have to fight like hell. Today, tomorrow and every day after. Until the close of elections on November 5. Until Joe and Kamala win another term. Until all people, everywhere, can live freely surrounded by love,” she said.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Human Rights Campaign event follows this week’s launch of “Out for Biden-Harris,” created by the president’s re-election campaign to mobilize LGBTQ voters.

In her speech, Jill Biden said the president stood up for LGBTQ people by signing the Respect in Marriage Act, ending the ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men, allowing transgender people to serve openly in the army and opposing conversion therapy.

She said outside forces were trying to “erase these hard-won gains.”

“They want to take away our victories but we won’t let them,” Biden said. “Your president won’t let them. I won’t let them.

ABC News

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