World News

Japan’s defense chief calls for increased security after warship drone video posted on Chinese social media

TOKYO (AP) — Japan’s defense chief called Friday for strengthening its anti-drone capability after drone footage posted on Chinese social media showed a Japanese aircraft carrier docked at a military port restricted to the west of Tokyo. Defense Minister Minoru Kihara called it a serious security threat.

Kihara’s acknowledgment of the vulnerability comes more than a month after drone video showed the JS Izumo, one of two Japanese helicopter carriers, being upgraded to carry stealth fighters to strengthen Japan’s counterattack capacity in the face of China’s assertive military actions in 2017. the Indo-Pacific.

The images, also showing factories, buildings and other facilities at the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force’s Yokosuka Naval Base, were posted on a Chinese social media site in March, sparking a investigation by ministry officials. The images were also published on other platforms such as X.

“After analyzing the video, we came to the conclusion that the footage was most likely filmed by a flying drone,” Kihara told reporters.

“We take these findings extremely seriously,” added the minister. “If drones damage defense installations, it could seriously disrupt our country’s defense. »

Kihara declined to comment on how the drone was able to fly over the set undetected, citing security reasons. But he stressed the need to respond to rapid technological advances in drones and other unmanned vehicles. He also pledged to strengthen defense around military bases.

He said Japan would accelerate efforts to introduce more capable anti-drone equipment and strengthen countermeasures such as forced landing of drones through jamming.

The development comes at a time when Japan is accelerating its military buildup to focus on its counterattack capability with long-range missiles as part of the ongoing security strategy adopted in 2022. JS Izumo plays a key role in this strategy.

In 2015, a small drone bearing traces of radiation was discovered on the roof of the prime minister’s office, raising concerns about drones and their possible use for terrorist attacks. The incident caused no injuries or damage, but its owner was found guilty of obstructing business.

Drone flights have since been restricted over key public and diplomatic areas as well as nuclear facilities. While drones are widely used for industrial, search, rescue and security purposes, the number of violations committed by them has also rapidly increased.


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